《The Origins of Political Order》

《The Origins of Political Order》

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作者: Francis Fukuyama
出版社: Farrar, Straus and Giroux
副标题: From Prehuman Times to the French Revolution
出版年: 2012-3-27
页数: 608
定价: USD 18.00
装帧: Paperback
ISBN: 9780374533229

内容简介  · · · · · ·

Virtually all human societies were once organized tribally, yet over time most developed new political institutions which included a central state that could keep the peace and uniform laws that applied to all citizens. Some went on to create governments that were accountable to their constituents. We take these institutions for granted, but they are absent or are unable to per...

作者简介  · · · · · ·

弗朗西斯•福山(Francis Fukuyama):日裔美籍学者,哈佛大学政治学博士,现任美国斯坦福大学弗里曼•斯伯格里国际问题研究所奥利弗•诺梅里尼高级研究员,此前曾任教于约翰•霍普金斯大学尼兹高等国际研究院、乔治•梅森大学公共政策学院,曾任美国国务院政策企划局副局长、兰德公司研究员。著有《历史的终结与最后的人》、《信任》、《十字路口上的美国》等。现居加利福尼亚。

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