《What the Dormouse Said》

《What the Dormouse Said》

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作者: John Markoff
出版社: Viking Adult
副标题: How the 60s Counterculture Shaped the Personal Computer
出版年: 2005-04-21
页数: 310
定价: USD 25.95
装帧: Hardcover
ISBN: 9780670033829

内容简介  · · · · · ·

While there have been several histories of the personal computer, well-known technology writer John Markoff has created the first ever to spotlight the unique political and cultural forces that gave rise to this revolutionary technology. Focusing on the period of 1962 through 1975 in the San Francisco Bay Area, where a heady mix of tech industries, radicalism, and readily a...

作者简介  · · · · · ·

約翰.馬可夫(John Markoff)

曾為《時代》(Times)雜誌撰寫電腦科技文章,現為《紐約時報》(New York Times)資深記者。著有暢銷書《電腦叛客》(Cyberpunk: Outlaws and Hackers on the Computer Frontier)、《小心駭客》(Takedown)等。矽谷的文化觀察家保羅?沙弗(Paul Saffo)這麼形容他:「馬可夫屬於非常特殊的信息專業人(infonaut)。他有學界的好奇心和執著,但更難能可貴的是,他也有與現實非常接軌的一面,例如他是為《紐約時報》,而不是什麼艱澀的專業雜誌寫文章。馬可夫最重要的地方在於他不只是報導獨家消息,而總是報導獨家幕後的獨家。他告訴我們早已發生而我們一無所知的情事,接著他又在更大的脈絡底下往下深究一層。」

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