

音频访客2024-06-27 16:16:27962A+A-

Head down, face up, wide awake, the maniac is laughin’

Anger, superhuman strength

Oh, annoyed at first sight,

Breathing down my spine,

But why do I miss you all the same,

Cuz you’re prettier than most,

I’ll give you that,

Baby talkative and laugh,

Matter of fact

Oh you got that smile,

Baby you got that smile,

Girls love boys love girls love boys

Girls love boys love girls love boys

Head down, face up, wide awake, the maniac is laughin’

Anger, superhuman strength

Oh, annoyed at first sight,

Breathing down my spine,

But why do I miss you all the same,

Cuz you’re prettier than most,

I’ll give you that,

Baby talkative and laugh,

Matter of fact

Oh you got that smile,

Baby you got that smile,

Girls love boys love girls love boys

Girls love boys love girls love boys

Oh you got that smile,

Baby you got that smile,

Girls love boys love girls love boys

Girls love boys love girls love boys




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