

音频访客2024-06-29 9:33:48759A+A-

i don’t wanna say forever  but i’m always the best lover

我不想说什么永远  但我一直是你最佳的伴侣

i never really think i know ya  pray for me  i need a remedy

我想我从来没有真正懂得你  请为我祈祷  我需要急救

i was just another cool boy   come into your life just like a new toy


my friends and my parents used to say that you don’t deserve me but i hate this voice


evertime i  wanna show them  that you’re brilliant  they don’t listen


so i stay away from them 所以我渐渐疏远了他们

无法抛弃你的红唇  每个眼神 在我心头烙下属于你滚烫的伤痕

独自慢慢重温 痛恨  你最后的转身 承认 理想被现实冲昏 天真 以为某天会再被恩赐这缘分

在意 那些熟悉的  甜蜜 梦里为回忆 哭泣  惊醒在每个黎明 你的无情如此清晰 但这又让我着迷

它占据我的呼吸 却总是败给距离 so i die in the beat

努力试图遮蔽我心底的不离不弃 and leave 无声无息重回故里收起我所谓的不羁

we know the time to end it  but you don’t want to give in


begging you please i can’t breathe darling


we know the time to end it  but you don’t want to give in

begging you please i can’t breathe darling

i don’t wanna say forever  but i’m always the best lover

i never really think i know ya  pray for me  i need a remedy

过去从未想过 会变得如此脆弱 可能是太过失落 才会狠狠地坠落 yeah

this affair makes you glow  but slow  and i never see you fall


only you and me know  how the things go  join in this drama  what’s our role


never foresee the day when you be so cold  too hard to find my road


when i’m with you sometimes i get choked  and silence is the most  that’s all


最后的最后还决定伸出手  给你最后的挽留

接受你新的追求 没有任何理由 悲伤都让我带走

回到我的castle不再无力去乞求  喊点朋友立刻出来陪我喝点酒

几杯过后发现酒精上了头   帮我抛弃回头找你复合的借口 然后

每到了夜深人静  气氛回到了冷清  抚摸麻痹的神经 我开始认命

这并不是你的任性 你语气那么镇定

it’s time for me to stop my falling


we know the time to end it  but you don’t want to give in

begging you please i can’t breathe darling

we know the time to end it  but you don’t want to give in

begging you please i can’t breathe darling

i don’t wanna say forever  but i’m always the best lover

i never really think i know ya  pray for me  i need a remedy


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  • 9条评论
  • Philip2024-06-29 04:26:26
  • 感谢谢谢
  • Dally2024-06-29 05:53:14
  • 不错不错感谢

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