《Diary of a Seducer》

《Diary of a Seducer》

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作者: Soren Kierkegaard
出版社: Pushkin Press
译者: Alastair Hannay
出版年: 1999-1-1
页数: 240
定价: GBP 7.99
装帧: Paperback
ISBN: 9781906548032

内容简介  · · · · · ·

"Diary of a Seducer" is the disturbing narrative of a man who explores his sense of detachment by deliberately arousing the passion of a young society girl. At the core of the Diary lies the conflict between the narrator's philosophical and intellectual search for aesthetic pleasure and the depth of suffering this ultimately inflicts. Inspired by events in Kierkegaard's own lif...

作者简介  · · · · · ·





克尔凯郭尔终生冥想“如何去做一个基督徒”。他认为, 面对“不可能”,人只能作出“绝望的一跃”,直接进入精神生活。


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