《Making Stories》

《Making Stories》

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作者: Bruner, Jerome S.
出版社: Harvard Univ Pr
出版年: 2003-4
页数: 144
定价: $ 23.73
装帧: Pap
ISBN: 9780674010994

内容简介  · · · · · ·

Stories pervade our daily lives, from human interest news items, to a business strategy described to a colleague, to daydreams between chores. Stories are what we use to make sense of the world. But how does this work? In "Making Stories", psychologist Jerome Bruner examines this pervasive human habit and suggests new and deeper ways to think about how we use stories to make se...

作者简介  · · · · · ·

杰罗姆·布鲁纳(JEROME BRUNER),著有多部在教育和认知研究上具有开创性重大影响的著作,包括《教育的文化》(The Culture of Education)(1996),《意义行为》(Acts of Meaning)(1990),《论认知:左手随笔》(On Knowing;Essays for the Left Hand)(1962),《教育过程》(The Process of Education)(1961)。在他的辉煌职业生涯中,先是在哈佛担任心理学教授,然后又受聘牛津担任沃茨教授(Watts Professor),在1960年代,影响深远的认知革命永久改变了心理学者们研究精神的途径,他一直站在这一革命的最前沿。在肯尼迪和约翰逊总统在任期间,他服务于总统科学和顾问委员会,帮助规划启动了贫穷儿童早期教育项目(Head Start)。他和...

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