《Money: A History》

《Money: A History》

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作者: Catherine Eagleton / Jonathan Williams / British Museum
出版社: British Museum Press
出版年: 2Rev Ed edition (May 2007)
页数: 272
定价: £14.99
装帧: Paperback
ISBN: 9780714118147

内容简介  · · · · · ·

A colorful history of coins and currency from their very beginnings.

Money tells the story of coins and paper money from ancient to modern times. The book is an exciting collaboration by curators at the British Museum, home to one of the world's finest numismatic collections. Profusely illustrated with 545 color and archival images, Money traces the use of monetary exchange fro...

作者简介  · · · · · ·

Written by a team of specialist curators from the British Museum, this classic book is updated to take account of recent developments such as the introduction of the euro and e-money, and includes approximately 40 new illustrations.

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