《Markets, Mobs & Mayhem》

《Markets, Mobs & Mayhem》

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作者: Robert Menschel
出版社: John Wiley & Sons
副标题: How to Profit From the Madness of Crowds
出版年: 2005-3-18
页数: 226
定价: USD 16.95
装帧: Paperback
ISBN: 9780471718888

内容简介  · · · · · ·

In this fascinating tour through cultural, global, economic, and business history, icon of the financial world Robert Menschel explores the phenomenon of crowd psychology and its effects on business and culture. Explaining how crowd psychology creates market bubbles and irrational exuberance, Menschel mines world history—from the rise of the Nazis in Germany, to the fanatical l...

作者简介  · · · · · ·

ROBERT MENSCHEL is a Wall Street investing legend, and has over forty years of experience as an insider at the top of the world's financial markets. He is Senior Director of The Goldman Sachs Group, and serves on the Board of Trustees of The New York Public Library, The Museum of Modern Art, and New York Presbyterian Hospital.

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