Ashley O《On A Roll》[MP3-320K/5.9M]百度云盘下载

Ashley O《On A Roll》[MP3-320K/5.9M]百度云盘下载

音频访客2024-06-29 13:15:02652A+A-

Oh honey I'll do anything for you

哦 亲爱的 我愿意为你赴汤蹈火

Oh honey just tell me what you want me to

哦 亲爱的 只需明示你想我做什么

Oh honey kiss me up against the wall

哦 亲爱的 想和你倚在墙边拥吻

Oh honey don't think anything just have it all

哦 亲爱的 抛开杂念享受其中

Yeah I can't take it so don't you fake it

我不能忍受欺骗 所以不要伪装

I know your love's my destiny


Yeah I can't take it please demonstrate it

我不能接受含糊其辞 请用行动证明

'Cause I'm going down in history

因为我将声名大噪 载入史册

Hey yeah whoa-ho I'm on a roll


Ridin' so high achieving my goals

成绩斐然 美梦成真

Hey yeah whoa-ho I'm on a roll


Ridin' so high achieving my goals

成绩斐然 美梦成真

I'm stoked on ambition and verve

我雄心勃勃 壮志凌云

I'm gonna get what I deserve


So full of ambition and verve

雄心勃勃 壮志凌云

I'm gonna get what I deserve


Oh honey let's get in through the door

哦 亲爱的让我们乘风破浪 勇往直前

Oh honey not concerned who sees us ripping up the floor

哦 亲爱的不要在意别人如何评判我们的张扬肆意

Oh honey we'll go dancing wherever you choose

哦 亲爱的不管你意在何方 我们都乘兴而去

Oh honey you know we just can't lose

哦 亲爱的我们决不能输

Yeah I can't take it so don't you fake it

我不能忍受欺骗 所以不要伪装

I know your love's my destiny


Yeah I can't take it please demonstrate it

我不能接受含糊其辞 请用行动证明

'Cause I'm going down in history

因为我将声名大噪 载入史册

Hey yeah whoa-ho I'm on a roll


Ridin' so high achieving my goals

成绩斐然 美梦成真

Hey yeah whoa-ho I'm on a roll


Ridin' so high achieving my goals

成绩斐然 美梦成真

I'm stoked on ambition and verve

我雄心勃勃 壮志凌云

I'm gonna get what I deserve


So full of ambition and verve

雄心勃勃 壮志凌云

I'm gonna get what I deserve



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