Rence/Noah Cyrus《Expensive》[MP3-320K/7.2M]百度云盘下载

Rence/Noah Cyrus《Expensive》[MP3-320K/7.2M]百度云盘下载

音频访客2024-06-30 2:09:48687A+A-

Rence/Noah Cyrus:

If I'm giving you up why you sleeping over

And why we ain't sober

My heart is a mess with your hand on my chest

And your head on my shoulder


You making me a loner an isolated stoner

With all of this stress my head out West

'Cause the world's getting colder

This ain't what you want this ain't what you need

Did you think that love was a guarantee

No one can give you that

Rence/Noah Cyrus:

I can see the signs read between the lines

Sirens in my head driving through the night

Let's just fade to black

Rence/Noah Cyrus:

Baby I'm broke you spend my time

I ain't got the patience left to pay no mind

Not that I don't want to

I just can't afford to love you

Baby I choke when you ask me why

I ain't got the heart to give it one last try

Not that I don't want to

I just can't afford to love you


Ooh-oh oh-oh-oh-ooh ooh-oh

Can't afford to love you

Ooh-oh oh-oh-oh-ooh ooh-oh

Can't afford to love you

Rence/Noah Cyrus:

Thought that you had changed you didn't

How did we get so deep in it

I can't remember what made it so special back in the beginning


I can't be responsible for you

You making it impossible for me

Think you saying things I wanna hear

Ain't nothing but things I don't believe

Rence/Noah Cyrus:

I can see the signs read between the lines

Sirens in my head driving through the night

Let's just fade to black mm

Rence/Noah Cyrus:

Baby I'm broke you spend my time

I ain't got the patience left to pay no mind

Not that I don't want to

I just can't afford to love you

Baby I choke when you ask me why

I ain't got the heart to give it one last try

Not that I don't want to

I just can't afford to love you

Rence/Noah Cyrus:

Ooh-oh oh-oh-oh-ooh ooh-oh

Can't afford to love you


A little bit you


And it's not that I don't love you

I just can't afford to love you


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