《The Swimming-pool Library》

《The Swimming-pool Library》

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作者: Alan Hollinghurst
出版社: Vintage
出版年: 1998-01-03
页数: 304
定价: GBP 7.99
装帧: Paperback
ISBN: 9780099268130

内容简介  · · · · · ·

Alan Hollinghurst’s first novel is a tour de force : a darkly erotic work that centres on the friendship of William Beckwith, a young gay aristocrat who leads a life of privilege and promiscuity, and the elderly Lord Nantwich, who is searching for someone to write his biography. (20050324)

作者简介  · · · · · ·

Alan Hollinghurst is an English novelist, and winner of the 2004 Booker Prize for The Line of Beauty.

He read English at Magdalen College, Oxford graduating in 1975; and subsequently took the further degree of Master of Literature (1979). While at Oxford he shared a house with Andrew Motion, and was awarded the Newdigate Prize for poetry in 1974, the year before Motion.

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