《Coconut Cures》

《Coconut Cures》

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作者: Bruce Fife
出版社: Piccadilly Books
副标题: Preventing and Treating Common Health Problems with Coconut
出版年: 2005-03-01
页数: 256
定价: USD 15.95
装帧: Paperback
ISBN: 9780941599603

内容简介  · · · · · ·

In this book, you will learn about the amazing health benefits of coconut oil, meat, milk, and water. You will find out why coconut oil is considered the healthiest oil on earth and how it can protect you against heart disease, diabetes, and infectious illnesses such as influenza, herpes, candida, and even HIV. You will learn why coconut water is used as an IV solution and how ...

作者简介  · · · · · ·

布魯斯?菲佛(Dr. Bruce Fife),是全世界第一位針對椰子油,與人體健康相關醫療學術研究的發起人,如今也是世界上在椰子領域,最具權威的學者專家。他旅行遍及全世界,全心在專業性學術醫療研究,和致力於教育對椰子油產生誤解的群眾,因此常常被大家尊稱為「椰子大師」和「椰子博士」。

他寫了20幾本書,包括《椰子療效》 (Coconut cures:preventing and treating common health problems with coconut)、《椰油奇蹟》(The Coconut Oil Miracle)和《吃油脂變苗條》(Eat Fat Look Thin)等等,同時身為《健康時事通訊》(Healthy Ways Newsletter )的編輯和出版者,並擔任非營利機構—椰子研究發展中心(Coconut Research C...

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