《Ghost Hunters》

《Ghost Hunters》

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作者: Blum, Deborah
出版社: Penguin USA
出版年: 2007-5
页数: 384
定价: 119.00元
装帧: Pap
ISBN: 9780143038955

内容简介  · · · · · ·

A Pulitzer Prize–winning author tells the amazing story of William James’s quest for empirical evidence of the spirit world

What if a world -renowned philosopher and professor of psychiatry at Harvard suddenly announced he believed in ghosts? At the close of the nineteenth century, the illustrious William James led a determined scientific investigation into "unexplainabl...

作者简介  · · · · · ·

黛布拉·布鲁姆,出生于一九五四年,资料科学新闻记者,全美科学作家协会会长。一九九二年因关于灵长类实验与伦理议题的报道而获普利策奖,接着由此主题著写了《猴子的战争》(The Monkey Wars)一书。他的《性别的大脑差异》(Sex on the Brain)入选《纽约时报》优秀图书,《爱在暴力公园》(Love At Good Park)获《出版家周刊》最佳图书奖。

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