汪小敏《Possibilities & More》[FLAC/MP3-320K]百度云盘下载

汪小敏《Possibilities & More》[FLAC/MP3-320K]百度云盘下载

音频访客2024-06-30 13:54:00921A+A-

Here’s the tale, of a fearless pursuit of hope

Find new paths and dare to dream

All for the minds standing so tall

Can’t you see, all these youth and sunshine

Dazzling bright and full of life

The promising passage of time

It’s time we rise up, go beyond infinity

a revolution for the brave, wise souls

Let’s move the mountains, break through the walls and do it together

It’s time we rise

Close your eyes

Can you feel the might of the mind?

We celebrate the infinity of life.

Transcending, we outshine the skies….

It’s time we rise up, go beyond infinity

Stand our ground and carry on this faith

Let’s move the mountains, break through the walls, and just imagine

Together we conquer

Ignite and innovate

Let the dream prosper

We’ll take you way beyond

It’s time we rise up, go beyond infinity

a revolution for the brave, wise souls

There’s no impossible, no limit to where we’re going

It’s time we rise up, go beyond infinity

Stand our ground and carry on this faith

Let’s move the mountains, break through the walls, and just imagine

It’s time to rise up, it’s time to rise above

Take my hand and let’s explore this world

This world we build, for the new, the brave, and the wise

We’re standing so tall.




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  • anthony2024-06-24 04:51:45
  • 感谢谢谢

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