

视频访客2024-07-18 17:40:02567A+A-
导演: 黄华麒 编剧: 张海兴 资源类型:最佳女婿百度云盘,百度网盘,ed2k下载 主演: 张学友 / 周星驰 / 莫少聪 / 张敏 / 吴耀汉 / 沈殿霞 / 梁荣忠 / 胡枫 / 廖启智 / 郑欣宜 类型: 喜剧 制片国家/地区: 中国香港 语言: 粤语 上映日期: 1988-12-17(中国香港) 片长: 88分钟 又名: Faithfully Yours IMDb链接: tt0121922   剧情简介: 美发师纪阿开(张学友 饰)、服装设计师大眼龙(莫少聪 饰)和风水师赖布丁(周星驰 饰)三个死党合伙开了一家新潮美发店,不料开业当天就与隔壁理发店老板发生争执,幸得店老板女儿亚英(张敏 饰)及时出手风波平息,过程中,三人皆被亚英魅力吸引,为赢其芳心,开始频频登其家门献殷勤。某次晚餐聚会后,三人烂醉与亚英误睡一室,导致亚英怀孕,为与亚英一起生活,三人争先恐后将准父亲一职往自己身上揽,又因三人血型相同,医院也无法验出谁在冒名,亚英父母决定先考察三人表现,为争当最佳女婿,三人使尽浑身解数展开激烈角逐。 Playboy Hong Kong Barber Happy Chan opens a fashionable new salon, right next to an old-fashioned Shanhainese barber shop. Its owner, Chuk, is furious at this development and starts a quarrel with Chan and his colleagues during the opening ceremony of his new venture Chuk's pretty daughter, Ying, is forced to keep the peace. Chan and his friends all attempt to woo Ying, but end up getting drunk and falling asleep in her bedroom. Later, Ying discovers that she is pregnant but no one can remember which of the trio did the deed. Chan and his friends endeavor to do the right thing, banding together during her pregnancy until the true identity of the father can be determined. When the baby is born its discovered all the prospective fathers have the same blood type and confusion reigns anew.   最佳女婿.Faithfully.Yours.1988.港版.BD1080P.国粤双语.中字.mp4(2.49GB 资源:百度网盘 提取码:vwwm
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