

视频访客2024-07-18 17:09:03204A+A-
导演: 李小名 / 李乐 编剧: 胡逵 资源类型:酒剑百度云盘ed2k下载 主演: 谢苗 / 诺瑶 / 敬佩 / 何华超 / 张德晖 / 李圣雄 类型: 动作 / 奇幻 / 古装 制片国家/地区: 中国大陆 语言: 汉语普通话 上映日期: 2020-08-21(中国大陆) 片长: 90分钟   剧情简介: 上古洪荒,有仙人为阻止残暴的魔王为祸人间,修封魔塔并以神兵“无尘”封印魔界,不料无尘剑离奇失踪,守护者剑圣贪恋自身修为,用初生的“纯阳之子”忘生的一魂一魄封印魔界,濒死的忘生幸得剑圣师弟酒仙所救。 24年后,一心想上蜀山学艺的忘生和相依为命的少女一一,误打误撞与蜀山女剑侠风若离相遇,三人踏上了除魔之路。忘生与风若离不幸被魔物火凤打伤,幸得善良的魔村村民所救。 此时,追寻无尘神剑的剑圣却命弟子炎辰子屠灭了魔村,令忘生误会是风若离所为。无尘神剑转世的一一,为救忘生被剑圣抓入封魔塔炼化元神,背叛师门的风若离临死前帮忘生闯进封魔塔,在一一的帮助下,忘生打败了坠入魔道的剑圣,带着注入一一魂魄的无尘剑浪迹天涯。 In ancient times, in order to prevent the cruel demon king from harming the world, some immortal built a magic tower and sealed the demon world with the magic weapon "Wuchen". Unexpectedly, the dust free sword disappeared mysteriously. The guardian sword sage was greedy for his own cultivation, and sealed the demon world with the soul and soul forgotten by the newborn "son of Chunyang". The dying forgetting life was saved by Jiuxian, the younger martial brother of Jiansheng. 24 years later, one by one, forgetting her life and being dependent on each other to study arts in Shushan, met fengruoli, a female swordsman in Shushan, by mistake, and the three embarked on the road of eliminating demons. Forgetting life and wind ruoli are unfortunately injured by the magic fire phoenix, fortunately saved by the good-natured villagers of magic village. At this time, the swordsman who pursues the dust-free sword orders his disciple yanchenzi to kill the magic village, which leads to the misunderstanding that Feng ruoli did it. In order to save him, Feng ruoli, who betrayed his school, helped him break into the fengmagic tower before he died. With the help of one one, he defeated the swordsman who fell into the devil's road, and wandered around the world with the Wuchen sword, which infused his soul. 酒剑.2020.HD1080P.国语中字.mp4(2.03GB 资源:百度网盘 提取码:1234 资源:UC网盘 普通用户也不限速哦~
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  • Bart巴特2024-06-16 12:46:06
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