Amy Shark《I Said Hi》[MP3-320K/6.5M]百度云盘下载

Amy Shark《I Said Hi》[MP3-320K/6.5M]百度云盘下载

音频访客2024-07-19 12:15:02656A+A-

I stand in the corner like a tired boxer


One hand on my cheekbone, one hand on the rope

一拳抵着我的颧骨 另只撑在擂台围绳上

And all my veins pump blood into my throat


So I can hit the note, go do it all again

所以才能赢下这局 全部扳回来

Tell 'em all I said hi (hi)


Tell 'em all I said hi (hi)


And I lay half awake, thinking what's it's gonna take

躺在床上 半梦半醒间我思索着这背后的代价

For my moment to arrive, so sick and paralyzed


And I chew my gum on the left side of my mouth


Wonder when I'll spit it out, yeah, I'm just getting started

不知何时才能一吐为快 我才刚刚起步呢

Tell 'em all I said hi, hope you've been well

我要问候他们所有人 希望你们过得滋润

You've been asleep while I've been in hell

当我在地狱备受煎熬 你睡得正香甜

Tell 'em all I said hi, have a nice day

我要问候他们所有人 祝愿他们过得愉快

I'll be just fine, don't worry 'bout me

我会没事的 别为我担心

Tell 'em all I said hi (hi)


Tell 'em all I said hi (hi)


I stand in the corner like a tired boxer


One hand on my cheekbone, one hand on the rope

一拳抵着我的颧骨 另只撑在擂台围绳上

And all my veins pump blood into my throat


So I can hit the note, go do it all again

所以才能赢下这局 全部扳回来

Tell 'em all I said hi, hope you've been well

我要问候他们所有人 希望你们过得滋润

You've been asleep while I've been in hell

当我在地狱备受煎熬 你睡得正香甜

Tell 'em all I said hi, have a nice day

我要问候他们所有人 祝愿他们过得愉快

I'll be just fine, don't worry 'bout me

我会没事的 别为我担心

Tell 'em all I said hi (hi)


Tell 'em all I said hi (hi)


Lying on my side, watching time fly by

我冷眼旁观着自己 看时间如白驹过隙

And I bet the whole world thought that I would give up today


Oh, I'm lying on my side, watching time fly by

噢 我冷眼旁观着自己 看时间如白驹过隙

And I bet the whole world thought that I would give up today


Lying on my side, watching time fly by

我冷眼旁观着自己 看时间如白驹过隙

And I bet the whole world thought that I would give up today


Lying on my side, watching time fly by

我冷眼旁观着自己 看时间如白驹过隙

And I bet the whole world thought that I would give up


Yeah, I bet the whole world thought that I would give up

耶 我打赌整个世界都以为我今天要放弃了

Tell 'em all I said hi, hope you've been well

我要问候他们所有人 希望你们过得滋润

You've been asleep while I've been in hell

当我在地狱备受煎熬 你睡得正香甜

Tell 'em all I said hi, have a nice day

我要问候他们所有人 祝愿他们过得愉快

I'll be just fine, don't worry 'bout me

我会没事的 别为我担心

Tell 'em all I said hi (hi)


Tell 'em all I said hi



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