Axel Rudi Pell《The Crusaders of Doom》[FLAC/MP3-320K]百度云盘下载

Axel Rudi Pell《The Crusaders of Doom》[FLAC/MP3-320K]百度云盘下载

音频访客2024-07-19 9:16:16624A+A-

They need to find out their way through the storm

The tide is turning rough over sea

Way up on the horizon the sails kiss the sky

Bringing fear but hope for a new tomorrow

Ride on

No time to remember escape from the dark

But the raings falling down to the ground

The crusading knights from a holy land try to reach

The promised land

But never expected this journey through hell

All night long

All night long

Time for moving on

You better watch out

And don't drift

Into no man's land

They're riding on

The crusaders of doom

They're never gone

On the horizon

They're riding on

The crusaders of doom

They're never gone

On the horizon

Way up in the sky

In the sky

As the prisoners were released

And the screaming mob deceased

Making sure no foe sets foot on land again

Flying high only fools know why

Now there's no more reason to restrain

All night long

All night long

Time for moving on

You better watch out

And don't drift

Into no man's land

They're riding on

The crusaders of doom

They're never gone

On the horizon

They're riding on

The crusaders of doom

They're never gone

On the horizon

Way up in the sky

They're riding on

The crusaders of doom

They're never gone

On the horizon

They're riding on

The crusaders of doom

They're never gone

On the horizon

The crusaders crusaders

The crusaders of doom

The crusaders of doom


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  • 4条评论
  • Richard2024-06-01 02:11:59
  • 谢谢分享
  • Grom2024-06-23 21:31:20
  • 感谢谢谢

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