

视频访客2024-07-18 19:43:08174A+A-
导演: 王道南 编剧: 王道南 / 黄淑筠 / 黄显庭 主演: 黄瀞怡 / 苏达 / 森竣 / 撒基努 类型: 剧情 / 喜剧 制片国家/地区: 中国台湾 语言: 汉语普通话 上映日期: 2018-09-07(中国台湾) 片长: 113分钟 又名: Hidden Treasures in the Mountain IMDb链接: tt9652984   剧情简介: 充满正义感的巡山员心岚(小薰饰)对平淡工作感到有志难伸的无力,想离开此地。但曾是盗木山老鼠的阿德(苏达饰)死缠烂打,说服心岚与他的猎人好友都玛斯(撒基努饰)一起上山,寻回之前偷偷藏起来的珍贵桧木。3人在山上意外遇到艺术家派大星(何林骏饰),为了阻止他自杀,只能拖着他往山上爬。他们好不容易爬到了藏桧木的地方,心岚狠下心来取缔阿德非法盗木,而暗中跟着他们的山老鼠也现身想要抢桧木,众人在山上僵持不下,这场旅程要如何顺利落幕呢? Three people hike up a mountain with different motives - Dumas is a lone hunter, Wan-de is a wood thief who must find a hidden object for his boss, and Shin-lan is his girlfriend and mountain patrol officer. They are joined by Patrick, a transvestite who tried to kill himself in the woods. Each must face their own ghosts - Dumas who lost a loving father, Patrick who had to fight his father all his life, Shin-lan who wants to break up, and Wan-de who doesn't. They all have a change of heart in this healing film set in the green forest that makes us think about our families.   资源:百度网盘 提取码:tlwb 
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