

视频访客2024-07-19 3:34:02182A+A-
导演: Steve Keeble / Ben Lord 主演: 多米尼克·韦斯特 资源类型:艾滋过后百度云网盘 在线观看 迅雷下载 制片国家/地区: 英国 语言: 英语 片长: 99分钟 又名: 爱滋过后(台) IMDb链接: tt7289262   剧情简介: 这部惊人的纪录片回顾无药可医的英国爱滋危机大流行早期,当时HIV检测呈现阳性几乎等於宣判死刑。许多受访人士从未对媒体公开谈论过那些痛苦难忘的早期日子,而这可能是他们唯一一次的访谈。本片穿插了演员-强纳森布雷克的访谈,他与病毒共同生活已经超过30年。影片中讲述世人绝不能淡忘的一段绝望时期。《爱滋过后》是对人类同情心、力量、爱心与韧性的非凡见证,并确保那些声音永远不会被遗忘 AFTER 82 brings to the screen the untold personal stories of the AIDS crisis in the UK. Narrated by Dominic West, this incredible documentary looks back to the very early days of the pandemic when there were no medications and a positive HIV test meant almost certain death. Many of those featured have never spoken openly to the media about those traumatic early days, and this may be the only time they will do so. The film features interviews with the actor Jonathan Blake (portrayed in the film Pride by Dominic West) who has lived with the virus for over thirty years. This frank and important movie features moving interviews about a desperate time that the world must never forget. It beautifully commemorates those lost to AIDS, it celebrates those who supported people living with the virus and the many who continue to be there for those in need. AFTER 82 is a remarkable testament to human compassion, strength, love and resilience and ensures that those voices will never be forgotten.   爱滋过后.After.82.The.Untold.Story.of.the.AIDS.Crisis.in.the.UK.2019.HD1080P.英语中字.mp4(4.02GB) 爱滋过后.After.82.The.Untold.Story.of.the.AIDS.Crisis.in.the.UK.2019.HD720P.英语中字.mp4(1.97GB 资源:百度网盘 提取码:nha1 资源:UC网盘 普通用户也不限速哦~
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