P!NK《Blow Me(One Last Kiss)》[FLAC/MP3-320K]百度云盘下载

P!NK《Blow Me(One Last Kiss)》[FLAC/MP3-320K]百度云盘下载

音频访客2024-07-19 7:38:48542A+A-

White knuckles and sweaty palms from hanging on too tight

你的拳头关节泛白 紧握的双手直冒汗

Clenched shut jaw I've got another headache again tonight

你抿着双唇一言不发 今夜又要陷入麻烦

Eyes on fire eyes on fire and they burn from all the tears


I've been crying I've been crying I've been dying over you

我为你泪流成河 我愿为你赴汤蹈火

Tie a knot in the rope tryin' to hold tryin' to hold

我把绳子打了死结 试着将你捆牢

But there's nothing to grasp so I let go

但却什么也没得到 所以我只能放手

I think I've finally had enough I think I maybe think too much

我觉得我已经不堪忍受 也许是我想得太多

I think this might be it for us blow me one last kiss

我想这就是我们的结局 给我最后一个吻

You think I'm just too serious I think you're full of sh*t

你觉得我太过严肃 我觉得你在胡说八道

My head is spinning so blow me one last kiss

我头晕目眩 所以 给我最后一个吻

Just when it can't get worse I've had a sh*t day no

我度过了糟糕的一天 一切不能更糟了

Have you had a sh*t day no we've had a sh*t day no


I think that life's too short for this I want back my ignorance and bliss

人生苦短 何必执着于此 我多想回到天真烂漫的岁月

I think I've had enough of this blow me one last kiss

我终于不堪忍受 给我最后一个吻

I won't miss all of the fighting that we always did


Take it in I mean what I say when I say there is nothing left

将过去的一切全都抛开 我的意思是 我们已经毫无瓜葛

No more sick whiskey d**k no more battles for me

我不再为你酩酊大醉 你也不再为我陷入麻烦

You'll be calling a trick 'cause you'll no longer sleep

你会被玩弄于鼓掌之中 因为你会辗转难眠

I'll dress nice I'll look good I'll go dancing alone

我会穿得光鲜亮丽 独自纵情摇摆

I will laugh I'll get drunk I'll take somebody home

我会纵情欢乐 尽情畅饮 再带个人回家

I think I've finally had enough I think I maybe think too much

我觉得我已经不堪忍受 也许是我想得太多

I think this might be it for us blow me one last kiss

我想这就是我们的结局 给我最后一个吻

You think I'm just too serious I think you're full of sh*t

你觉得我太过严肃 我觉得你在胡说八道

My head is spinning so blow me one last kiss

我头晕目眩 给我最后一个吻

Just when it can't get worse I've had a sh*t day no

我度过了糟糕的一天 一切不能更糟了

Have you had a sh*t day no we've had a sh*t day no


I think that life's too short for this I want back my ignorance and bliss

人生苦短 何必执着于此 我多想回到天真烂漫的岁月

I think I've had enough of this blow me one last kiss

我终于不堪忍受 给我最后一个吻

Na na na na da da da da

Blow me one last kiss


Na na na na da da da da

Blow me one last kiss


I will do what I please anything that I want


I will breathe I will breathe I won't worry at all

从此以后 我将自由自在 不再担心忧虑

You will pay for your sins you'll be sorry my dear

你会为自己的过错付出代价 你会心生悔意 亲爱的

All the lies all the why's will all be crystal clear


I think I've finally had enough I think I maybe think too much

我觉得我已经不堪忍受 也许是我想得太多

I think this might be it for us blow me one last kiss

我想这就是我们的结局 给我最后一个吻

You think I'm just too serious I think you're full of sh*t

你觉得我太过严肃 我觉得你在胡说八道

My head is spinning so blow me one last kiss

我头晕目眩 给我最后一个吻

Just when it can't get worse I've had a sh*t day no

我度过了糟糕的一天 一切不能更糟了

Have you had a sh*t day no we've had a sh*t day no


I think that life's too short for this I want back my ignorance and bliss

人生苦短 何必执着于此 我多想回到天真烂漫的岁月

I think I've had enough of this blow me one last kiss

我终于不堪忍受 给我最后一个吻

Na na na na da da da da

Blow me one last kiss


Na na na na da da da da

Blow me one last kiss


Just when it can't get worse I've had a sh*t day no

我度过了糟糕的一天 一切不能更糟了

Have you had a sh*t day no we've had a sh*t day no


I think that life's too short for this I want back my ignorance and bliss

人生苦短 何必执着于此 我多想回到天真烂漫的岁月

I think I've had enough of this blow me one last kiss

我想这就是我们的结局 给我最后一个吻



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