

视频访客2024-07-19 1:40:03197A+A-
导演: Yanyong Kuruaungkoul 主演: Nat Kitcharit / Warisara Yu / Sirat Intarachote / Apiwich Reardon / Ticha Wongthipkanont / Thanapop Yoovijit / Patchanan Jiajirachote 资源类型:交友网战百度云网盘 在线观看 迅雷下载 类型: 喜剧 制片国家/地区: 泰国 语言: 泰语 制片公司:TMoment 上映日期: 2018-08-01(泰国) 片长: 130分钟 英文名:App War 又名: 爱程攻防战(港) / แอปชนแอป IMDb链接: tt8733014 270人评价 5星 7.4%  4星 26.2%  3星 50.2%  2星 12.2%  1星 3.9%  剧情简介: 《交友网战》讲述了邦和茱儿,两个App新创团队负责人;一次偶然的相遇,让他们无可自拔地爱上彼此,并发现双方拥有许多共同兴趣。这启发邦打造出崭新风格的交友App「Inviter」,让更多网友得以认识拥有相同兴趣的人。不过邦却万万没料到,拥有相同内容与风格的App「Amjoin」随后上线,人气与下载量甚至威胁到「Inviter」。而这个疑似抄袭的App,竟是来自茱儿的团队,让邦和茱儿就此成了竞争对手…。 同时,一年一度的新创团队争霸战即将来临,甚至祭出1亿泰铢高额奖金。竞赛期间,邦和茱儿以对手身份再度碰面;双方为了获取巨额奖金,都试图派出间谍渗透到对方的研发团队。不过千算万算,两人却算不到逐渐在心中滋长的爱苗…。随着间谍计划逐渐失控,邦与茱儿在这场争霸战中谁胜谁负?在他们争面子、夺奖金的同时,两人的情愫也掀起更多波澜…。 Bomb and June, two app startup founders, are leading each of their teams to get their mobile applications off the ground and running. They meet each other at their favorite hideaway dinner place completely by chance, only to find that they have a lot in common and enjoy very same passions. The night is so inspiring that Bomb and June, individually, create and launch their own applications, "Inviter" and "Amjoin," with the very same idea to "find people in common." But when it comes to business, replicates mean competition. Bomb and June become rivals. The national Startup Thailand league is approaching, and they are struggling to win 100-million Thai baht prize. When the stakes are high, "Inviter" and "Amjoin" end up sending a spy sneaking in to the other team trying to gain the upper hand. But everything has its price to pay, as the plan gets out of control, and the relationship between the two are being jeopardized.   交友网战.App.War.2018.HD720P.泰语中字.mp4(1.27GB 资源:百度网盘 提取码: 2333
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