LANY《Super Far》[FLAC/MP3-320K]百度云盘下载

LANY《Super Far》[FLAC/MP3-320K]百度云盘下载

音频访客2024-07-22 1:04:20571A+A-

Up all night on my mind got me thinking

我彻夜未眠 思绪翻涌

Wanna stay can you give me a reason

我想和你继续走下去 但是你能给我个留下的理由吗

I don't think so I don't think so

我真想不出来 我真想不出来

I'm in love with someone but I'm not sure

我爱着她 但是又不太敢确定

She can love someone back the way they love her


I don't think so I don't think so

我不愿相信 我不愿相信

Don't be mean if you wanna go

你要是想离开 就别再对我这么刻薄

You can leave and leave my heart alone

你可以甩手离去 留我一人空悲伤

Waking up to nothing when you're super far from home

远在异乡 你醒来一定感觉心里空落落

And I watch you fall asleep at night and lay there on my own

我看着你安然入睡 我却异常清醒

Got me begging for affection


All you do is roll your eyes


Broken down I've had enough

到此为止吧 我已经受够了

If this is love I don't want it

如果这就是所谓的爱 那我并不想要

Give it time c'mon babe it's been ten months

宝贝儿 是时候回来了 你已经离开我将近一年了

You should know do you know know what you want

你应该知道 你肯定知道 你到底想干什么

I don't think so I don't think so

我不想这样 我不想这样

Make it work know it hurts but I'll go there

打破僵局吧 我知道 会有揭疤之痛 但是 我还是一意孤行

Do the same can you show me that you care

像以前一样爱你 你能让我感受到你的关怀吗

God I hope so but I don't think so

天呐 但愿你会吧 但是 我还是没底气

Don't be mean if you're here for good

如果你真心想继续走下去 就别对我那么刻薄

I'm gonna need a little more from you


Waking up to nothing when you're super far from home

远在异乡 你醒来一定感觉心里空落落

And I watch you fall asleep at night and lay there on my own

我看着你安然入睡 我却异常清醒

Got me begging for affection


All you do is roll your eyes


Broken down I've had enough

到此为止吧 我已经受够了

If this is love I don't want it

如果这就是所谓的爱 那我并不想要

All my friends keep saying that I'm way too good to you


But my heart is so invested I don't wanna face the truth

但我还是无法自拔 我不想面对残酷的现实

I'm not happy and you know it and you still don't even try

我并不快乐 你知道的 但你还是不肯努力一把

Broken down I've had enough

到此为止吧 我已经受够了

If this is love I don't want it

如果这就是所谓的爱 那我并不想要

Waking up to nothing when you're super far from home

远在异乡 你醒来一定感觉心里空落落

And I watch you fall asleep at night and lay there on my own

我看着你安然入睡 我却异常清醒

Got me begging for affection


All you do is roll your eyes


Broken down I've had enough

到此为止吧 我已经受够了

If this is love I don't want it

如果这就是所谓的爱 那我并不想要

All my friends keep saying that I'm way too good to you


But my heart is so invested I don't wanna face the truth

但我还是无法自拔 我不想面对残酷的现实

I'm not happy and you know it and you still don't even try

我并不快乐 你知道的 但你还是不肯努力一把

Broken down I've had enough

到此为止吧 我已经受够了

If this is love I don't want it

如果这就是所谓的爱 那我并不想要


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