Kurt Hugo Schneider《Champions》[MP3-320K/7.7M]百度云盘下载

Kurt Hugo Schneider《Champions》[MP3-320K/7.7M]百度云盘下载

音频访客2024-07-21 22:39:30702A+A-

Barely breathing on the ground

You left my body to be found

But scars give me life

You should have killed me twice

Knock me down but I get up

A thousand blows are not enough

To keep me on my knees

I'm stronger when I bleed

I've been to hell and back

Picked myself up from the ash

It made me who I am

Champions aren't born we are built

Built a little stronger

Try to leave us broken and torn

Champions aren't born we are built

Scars are my armor

For every blade that cut us like thorns

Champions aren't born

We're built from fire buried deep

A soldier's heart inside of me

Beats with every breath

Pounds with every step

I've been to hell and back

Picked myself up from the ash

It made me who I am

Champions aren't born we are built

Built a little stronger

Try to leave us broken and torn

Champions aren't born we are built

Scars are my armor

For every blade that cut us like thorns

Champions aren't born

You made a hero when you left me for dead

Should've finished what you started but instead

You made a hero when you left me for dead

Should ended it before the tables turned

Champions aren't born we are built

Built a little stronger

Try to leave us broken and torn

Champions aren't born we are built

Scars are my armor

For every blade that cut us like thorns

Champions aren't born we are built

Champions aren't born



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  • Angle2024-06-20 12:21:36
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