Zedd/Liam Payne《Get Low》[FLAC/MP3-320K]百度云盘下载

Zedd/Liam Payne《Get Low》[FLAC/MP3-320K]百度云盘下载

音频访客2024-07-22 12:33:05767A+A-

Chained to a love


But that don't mean much


Sensitive tough you don't get enough

性感火辣的女孩 你还没有得偿所愿

I've been drowning in your lost in the rush

我已为你神魂颠倒 迷失在这快感里

Faded you stuck I'll help you up

如果你身陷桎梏 我会帮你脱离困境

I don't care to get too loud sexy I want you now

我不在意我们是否太过疯狂 你火辣性感 现在我想和你纵情缠绵

Bet I could take you there whispering in your ear

我打赌 我可以让你飘飘欲仙 让我在你耳边呢喃

What do you wanna feel let's just enjoy the thrill

你想要什么感觉 让我们尽情享受激情快感

I'll take over the wheel


And give you the touch you're missing


Get low get low

让我们尽情放纵 尽情放纵

Hands on your waist let's go

我的双手在你腰间游走 让我们彻底沦陷

Get low get low

让我们尽情放纵 尽情放纵

Girl you got the vibe I'm up for the climb

女孩 暧昧的气氛已经点燃 我的激情愈燃欲烈

Get low get low

让我们尽情放纵 尽情放纵

Hands on your waist let's go

我的双手在你腰间游走 让我们彻底沦陷

Get low get low

让我们尽情放纵 尽情放纵

Girl you got the vibe I'm up for the climb

女孩 暧昧的气氛已经点燃 我的激情愈燃欲烈

Beautiful as you are I wanna light all your dark

你魅力四射 我多想照亮你的黑暗

Maybe you don't believe in me


It's hard to know what you see in me

你的心思我难以揣测 你是如何看待我

Don't be quick to say no my chest is your pillow

不要忙着拒绝我 你可以在我怀里安然入眠

Come out of the shadows I know that you're fragile

我会带你走出阴影 我知道你的内心脆弱不堪


I don't care to get too loud sexy I want you now

我不在意我们是否太过疯狂 你火辣性感 现在我想和你纵情缠绵

Bet I could take you there whispering in your ear

我打赌 我可以让你飘飘欲仙 让我在你耳边呢喃

What do you wanna feel let's just enjoy the thrill

你想要什么感觉 让我们尽情享受激情快感

I'll take over the wheel


And give you the touch you're missing


Get low get low

让我们尽情放纵 尽情放纵

Hands on your waist let's go

我的双手在你腰间游走 让我们彻底沦陷

Get low get low

让我们尽情放纵 尽情放纵

Girl you got the vibe I'm up for the climb

女孩 暧昧的气氛已经点燃 我的激情愈燃欲烈

Get low get low

让我们尽情放纵 尽情放纵

Hands on your waist let's go

我的双手在你腰间游走 让我们彻底沦陷

Get low get low

让我们尽情放纵 尽情放纵

Girl you got the vibe I'm up for the climb

女孩 暧昧的气氛已经点燃 我的激情愈燃欲烈

I like the way you take me there


I like the way you touch yourself


Don't hold back I want that

不要将我拒之门外 现在我想和你纵情缠绵

When the water come down I'mma get in that

即使大雨倾盆 我也会不顾一切和你缠绵

Get low get low

让我们尽情放纵 尽情放纵

Hands on your waist let's go

我的双手在你腰间游走 让我们彻底沦陷

Get low get low

让我们尽情放纵 尽情放纵

Girl you got the vibe I'm up for the climb

女孩 暧昧的气氛已经点燃 我的激情愈燃欲烈

I'm right here you know when your waves explode

我就在你身边 你知道 你已激情澎湃

Escape the undertow


Know that you've been broken

我知道 你的内心曾经支离破碎

Know that you've been hoping

我知道 你一直怀揣希望

Swimming in your ocean


A new life is floating


The stars were made to shine


Reach up and make a wish

双手合一 许下心愿

It's a beautiful time I hope you take a glimpse

多么美好的时光 我希望你能好好享受

We're the sound of lovers blowing crazy in the wind

我们的爱震天撼地 刻骨铭心

You don't have to pretend


I don't care where you've been


Get low get low

让我们尽情放纵 尽情放纵

Hands on your waist let's go

我的双手在你腰间游走 让我们彻底沦陷

Get low get low

让我们尽情放纵 尽情放纵

Girl you got the vibe I'm up for the climb

女孩 暧昧的气氛已经点燃 我的激情愈燃欲烈

Get low get low

让我们尽情放纵 尽情放纵

Hands on your waist let's go

我的双手在你腰间游走 让我们彻底沦陷

Get low get low

让我们尽情放纵 尽情放纵

Girl you got the vibe I'm up for the climb

女孩 暧昧的气氛已经点燃 我的激情愈燃欲烈

I like the way you take me there


I like the way you touch yourself


Don't hold back I want that

不要将我拒之门外 现在我想和你纵情缠绵

When the water come down I'mma get in that

即使大雨倾盆 我也会不顾一切和你缠绵

Get low get low

让我们尽情放纵 尽情放纵

Hands on your waist let's go

我的双手在你腰间游走 让我们彻底沦陷

Get low get low

让我们尽情放纵 尽情放纵

Girl you got the vibe I'm up for the climb

女孩 暧昧的气氛已经点燃 我的激情愈燃欲烈

Get low




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  • Dally2024-06-03 06:36:55
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