Miley Cyrus《Angels Like You》[MP3-320K/7.6M]百度云盘下载

Miley Cyrus《Angels Like You》[MP3-320K/7.6M]百度云盘下载

音频访客2024-07-22 13:07:15615A+A-

Flowers in hand, waiting for me

手中紧攥的鲜花 静候我的到来

Every word in poetry


Won't call me by name, only "baby"

都不足以称赞我的姓名 唯有你的那句”亲爱的“

The more that you give, the less that I need

你在感情中给予得越多 我所需要的就越少

Everyone says I look happy


When it feels right


I know that you're wrong for me

可我深知 你我并非天生绝配

Gonna wish we never met on the day I leave

希望我离去那日 我们不再相遇

I brought you down to your knees

你真诚膝跪而下 祈求我别走

'Cause they say that misery loves company


It's not your fault I ruin everything

这并非是你的过错 是我将曾经美好的一切摧毁

And it's not your fault I can't be what you need

不要归咎于你自己 我永远都无法满足你所需

Baby, angels like you can't fly down hell with me

亲爱的 你这般圣洁天使 定不能同我共赴地狱遭罪

I'm everything they said I would be


La, la, la

I'm everything they said I would be


I'll put you down slow, love you goodbye

我将缓缓将你放下 以爱诀别

Before you let go just one more time


Take off your clothes, pretend that it's fine

你褪去衣裳 佯装内心镇定

A little more hurt won't kill you tonight


My mama says you don't look happy


Close your eyes


I know that you're wrong for me

我深知 你我并非天生绝配

Gonna wish we never met on the day I leave

希望我离去那日 我们不再相遇

I brought you down to your knees

你真诚膝跪而下 祈求我别走

'Cause they say that misery loves company


It's not your fault I ruin everything

这并非是你的过错 是我将曾经美好的一切摧毁

And it's not your fault I can't be what you need

不要归咎于你自己 我永远都无法满足你所需

Baby, angels like you can't fly down hell with me

亲爱的 你这般圣洁天使 定不能同我共赴地狱遭罪

I'm everything they said I would be


La, la, la, la

La, la, la, la

La, la, la

Oh, ah, ah

Ah, oh

Ah, oh

I know that you're wrong for me

你真诚膝跪而下 祈求我别走

Gonna wish we never met on the day I leave

希望我离去那日 我们不再相遇

I brought you down to your knees

你真诚膝跪而下 祈求我别走

'Cause they say that misery loves company


It's not your fault I ruin everything (Everything)

这并非是你的过错 是我将曾经美好的一切摧毁

And it's not your fault I can't be what you need

不要归咎于你自己 我永远都无法满足你所需

Baby, angels like you can't fly down hell with me, oh

亲爱的 你这般圣洁天使 定不能同我共赴地狱遭罪

Angels like you can't fly down hell with me



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