Ilira《PAY ME BACK!》[MP3-320K/7.2M]百度云盘下载

Ilira《PAY ME BACK!》[MP3-320K/7.2M]百度云盘下载

音频访客2024-07-29 13:49:45623A+A-

Just like a slot machine

Honey you had your greedy little hands on me

Crushed crushed thought you'd cum for free

Sorry I almost had to file for bankruptcy

And I wasted all those summer nights

In Disneyland my ride or die

On you on you

You raised your hand and testified

Then took my credit card and swiped

How rude so rude

Pay me back

Witness stand can't you be an honest man

Pay me back

I'm in debt never chipped in with the rent

Pay me back

Movie nights and romantic dinner plans

Wish that I could cash that check

So pay me back

Pay pay me back

Wish that I could cash that check

So pay me

D**n I'm no ATM

But you want all my money like you're Uncle Sam

Can't can't you you just understand

Oh man you never grow up like you're Peter Pan

And I wasted all those Summer nights

In Disneyland my ride or die

On you on you

You raised your hand and testified

Then took my credit card and swiped

How rude how rude how rude so rude

Pay me back

Witness stand can't you be an honest man

Pay me back

I'm in debt never chipped in with the rent

Pay me back

Movie nights and romantic dinner plans

Wish that I could cash that check

So pay me back

Pay me back

Wish that I could cash that check

So pay me

I been cooking and cleaning for ya cooking and

Thought it would last forever forever

Now I'm broke waving Sayonara Sayonara

Can you do me do me what

Can you do me one last favor favor

Pay me back

Witness stand can't you be an honest man

Pay me back

I'm in debt never chipped in with the rent

Pay me back

Movie nights and romantic dinner plans

Wish that I could cash that check

So pay me back

Oh yeah yeah

Pay me back

So pay me

Wish that I could cash that check

So pay me back


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