大城堡《The Truth》[FLAC/MP3-320K]百度云盘下载

大城堡《The Truth》[FLAC/MP3-320K]百度云盘下载

音频访客2024-07-29 16:14:46507A+A-

You're hiding your pain and scar

Another you are on the fire

Someone's calling you

Force you face the truth

So you are gonna die

Or break it through

Leave the past behind

You will never return

Your world is falling apart

Every blast of wind is roaring

Make a wish step out of this cage

You're hiding your pain and scar

Can you show yourself

Feel like an animal

You ready for this now

Chasing for the truth

You have to fight alone

Find you in the dark

Stop the crashing down

So you are gonna die

Or break it through

Leave the past behind

You will never return

Your world is falling apart

Every blast of wind is roaring

Make a wish step out of this cage

You're hiding your pain and scar

Can you show yourself

Feel like an animal

You ready for this now

Chasing for the truth

You have to fight alone

Find you in the dark

Stop the crashing down

Who's the one in the mirror

Run away from his own fate

Coward can never escape

Your world is falling apart

Every blast of wind is roaring

Make a wish take control of this cage

You're hiding your pain and scar

Can you show yourself

Feel like an animal

You ready for this now

Chasing for the truth

You have to fight alone

Find you in the dark

Stop the crashing down



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  • 7条评论
  • Grom2024-06-08 14:28:35
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