Big Thief《Paul》[FLAC/MP3-320K]百度云盘下载

Big Thief《Paul》[FLAC/MP3-320K]百度云盘下载

音频访客2024-07-29 15:19:19516A+A-

Oh the last time I saw paul

I was horrible and almost let him in

But I stopped and caught the wall

And my mouth got dry so all I did was take him for a spin

Yeah we hopped inside my car

And I drove in circles 'round the freight train yard

And he turned the headlights off

Then he pulled the bottle out

Then he showed me what was love

I'll be your morning bright goodnight shadow machine

I'll be your record player baby if you know what I mean

I'll be your real tough cookie with the whiskey breath

I'll be a killer and a thriller and the cause of our death

In the blossom of the months

I was sure that I'd get driven off with thought

So I swallowed all of it

As I realized there was no one who could kiss away my shit

I'll be your morning bright goodnight shadow machine

I'll be your record player baby if you know what I mean

I'll be your real tough cookie with the whiskey breath

I'll be a killer and a thriller and the cause of our death

Paul I know you said that you'd take me any way I came or went

But I'll push you from my brain

See you're gentle baby

I couldn't stay I'd only bring you pain

I was your starry-eyed lover and the one that you saw

I was your hurricane rider and the woman you'd call

We were just two moonshiners on the cusp of a breath

And I've been burning for you baby since the minute I left


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