Charli XCX/Troye Sivan《2099 》[MP3-320K/7.9M]百度云盘下载

Charli XCX/Troye Sivan《2099 》[MP3-320K/7.9M]百度云盘下载

音频访客2024-07-04 21:45:40676A+A-

Charli XCX/Troye Sivan:

I pull up roll up f**k up

我停下来抽烟 把一切都搞砸了

Fast like a Nascar never touch us

极速狂飙 千万别惹我们

Got visions levels they don't get me

都快出现幻觉了 他们不懂我

Quiet no discussions please hush

安静 别讨论 请安静

I pull up roll up f**k up

我停下来抽烟 把一切都搞砸了

Don't make decisions for me you don't know nothin'

别为我做决定 你什么都不知道

I'm Pluto Neptune pull up roll up future future

我停车 也让你停车 我抽着烟 茫然无措

I pull up roll up f**k up

我停下来抽烟 把一切都搞砸了

Fast like a Nascar never touch us

极速狂飙 千万别惹我们

Got visions levels they don't get me

都快出现幻觉了 他们不懂我

Quiet no discussions please hush

安静 别讨论 请安静

I pull up roll up f**k up

我停下来抽烟 把一切都搞砸了

Don't make decisions for me


You don't know nothin'


I'm Pluto Neptune pull up roll up future

我停车 也让你停车 我抽着烟 茫然无措

Charli XCX/Troye Sivan:


Klling I'm so deadly deadly

秒杀全场 我就是这般致命

Ooh I'm zooming like a jet ski zoom zoom

全速前进 我肆意狂欢

Little dose of napalm blow it up yeah

他们投掷了一枚手榴弹 引爆全场

Don't care she what she talk about no


All she wanna do is my style yeah


No one on my level I play nice 'cause I'm too clever

没人能与我相提并论 机智如我而且平易近人

I won't show it never never but it's crystal

我不显山露水 永远不会 我就是这么棒


I'm way up way better she might f**k but it's whatever


She might sell but what's she selling Then she lost them

她这么说过 却失去了爱

I know they write about me



I know that they all see me



Too scared so they don't play me


Some people try to save me


Charli XCX/Troye Sivan:

Ooh but I'm feeling so good


Better than I ever could


Having people in my business


Got no cage


Prison always got away


Wanna listen when I say

会思念他 每当我说

Think I care about the fame


Na na na na

Charli XCX/Troye Sivan:

I pull up roll up f**k up

我停下来抽烟 把一切都搞砸了

Fast like a Nascar never touch us

极速狂飙 千万别惹我们

Got visions levels they don't get me

都快出现幻觉了 他们不懂我

Quiet no discussions please hush

安静 别讨论 请安静

I pull up roll up f**k up

我停下来抽烟 把一切都搞砸了

Don't make decisions for me you don't know nothin'

别为我做决定 你什么都不知道

I'm Pluto Neptune pull up roll up future future

我停车 也让你停车 我抽着烟 茫然无措

I pull up roll up f**k up

我停下来抽烟 把一切都搞砸了

Fast like a Nascar never touch us

极速狂飙 千万别惹我们

Got visions levels they don't get me

都快出现幻觉了 他们不懂我

Quite so special please hush

安静 别讨论 请安静

I pull up roll up f**k up

我停下来抽烟 把一切都搞砸了

Don't make decisions for me


You don't know nothin'

你什么都不知道 什么都不知道

I'm Pluto Neptune pull up I roll up future future

我停车 也让你停车 我抽着烟 茫然无措


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