Sam Feldt/Rani/徐梦圆/冯提莫「Post Malone」[MP3-320K/6.8M]百度云盘下载

Sam Feldt/Rani/徐梦圆/冯提莫「Post Malone」[MP3-320K/6.8M]百度云盘下载

音频访客2024-07-04 20:29:29634A+A-

One more drink of one more Bacardi

One more dance at this afterparty

We still going, going strong

Speed so fast like a Ferrari

We get wild like a safari

We still going, going strong

And none of these good things, good things, good things

All we need, good things, good things, good things

哦 Baby 说你爱我

看 天空中 的烟火

别 告诉我 对与错

快 失去呼吸 在你 抱紧

我 之前 别错过这 Jay的杰作

这夜晚 跟着我走

别 带着 遗憾 默默 的 等候

别 带着 遗憾 默默 的 等候

别 带着 遗憾 默默 的 等候

See the ocean there in your eyes

In slow motion, we see the sun rise

We are, we are in a zone

5 AM and we still are rolling

In the deepest of my emotions

We are, we are in a zone

And none of these good things, good things, good things

All we need, good things, good things, good things

哦 Baby 说你爱我

看 天空中 的烟火

别 告诉我 对与错

快 失去呼吸 在你 抱紧

我 之前 别错过这 Jay的杰作

这夜晚 跟着我走

别 带着 遗憾 默默 的 等候

别 带着 遗憾 默默 的 等候

别 带着 遗憾 默默 的 等候

Tonight, we go all night long

We party like Post Malone

Don't tell me to go-o-o

Yeah, we are never, ever going home tonight

Ain't nobody kill my vibe

Don't tell me to go-o-o

Yeah, we are never, ever going home


Yeah, we are never, ever going home

Never, ever going home

Yeah, we are never, ever going home 下载提取码

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