

视频访客2024-07-06 13:59:44278A+A-
导演: Julien Carbon / Laurent Courtiaud 编剧: Julien Carbon / 劳伦特·考蒂奥德 资源类型:红夜百度云盘,百度网盘,ed2k下载 主演: Frédérique Bel / Carole Brana / 吴家丽 / 雨宫琴音 类型: 惊悚 制片国家/地区: 中国香港 / 法国 语言: 英语 / 法语 / 粤语 / 汉语普通话 片长: 97分钟 IMDb链接: tt1401668   剧情简介: 在中国第一位皇帝统治期间,一位巧妙的折磨者发明了一种使受害者四肢瘫痪的灵丹妙药,同时提高了他们神经末梢的敏感性十倍。保存在玉头骨,灵丹妙药可以激发无限变化的感觉--从色情爱抚到骇人听闻的撕裂。由于渴望体验灵丹妙药带来的极端感觉,刽子手用自己的毒药自杀,强化了自己的死亡体验。他的追求者从未找到这个头骨,它被藏在一个巨大的帝王封印里。但是玉器头骨的诅咒,对它的创造者的死亡负有责任,它将在封印中持续存在,给所有拥有它的人带来不幸。直到今天..。   During the reign of the first emperor of China, an ingenious torturer concocted an elixir that paralyzed its victim's limbs, while increasing the sensitivity of their nerve endings tenfold. Kept in a jade skull, the elixir could provoke sensations in infinite variations--everything from erotic caresses to appalling lacerations. Haunted by the desire to experience the extreme sensations caused by the elixir, the executioner kills himself with his own poison, intensifying his death experience. His pursuers never found the skull, which had been concealed within a large imperial seal. But the curse of the jade skull, responsible for its creator's death, will endure within the seal, bringing misfortune to all of those who possess it. Until today ...   红夜.Red.Nights.2009.BD1080P.中文字幕.mp4(2.10GB 资源:迅雷云盘 提取码:t5t8 资源:百度网盘 提取码:c8a9
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  • 8条评论
  • caleb2024-06-05 17:22:36
  • 感谢谢谢
  • Angle2024-06-20 07:24:58
  • 不错不错感谢

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