Jimmie Allen/Noah Cyrus《This is Us》[MP3-320K/7.9M]百度云盘下载

Jimmie Allen/Noah Cyrus《This is Us》[MP3-320K/7.9M]百度云盘下载

音频访客2024-07-07 8:55:41621A+A-

I used to push my luck I used to fill my cup

我以前总是放纵自己 我总是喝到烂醉如泥

Yeah I used to be known for the dumb things


I used to chase the sun I used to kiss and run

我常常心比天高 不切实际 到处拈花惹草

All nighters turned into nothings and I

彻夜狂欢 一觉醒来 忘记一切

I'm lucky every other lover got away

上天眷顾 每一位恋人都离我而去

I'm lucky that my heart was always hard to break

我很幸运 我的心坚不可摧 毫发无伤

I'm lucky when you came along I had a chance to take

我很幸运 当你来到我身边 我决定放手一搏

'Cause it was just you and that was just me

因为以前的我们是陌生人 互不相识

And that was just the way that it used to be

毫无交集 按照各自的轨迹生活

And we were just kids back then tryna figure out what it was

那时 我们只是懵懂无知的孩子 试图弄懂爱情的真谛

No it wasn't that bad but could've been better

幸好还有回旋的余地 我们心怀希冀

If only back then we'd have been together


But it was just you and that was just me


Before we found love

我们是陌生人 互不相识

Now this is us


All I really know is love ain't simple

我知道 爱情并非易事

Oh yeah oh yeah

It finds you all alone when you're unassembled

爱知道你形单影只 在不经意间闯入你的生活

Yeah when you're in pieces and you feel like you're drowning

当你支离破碎 痛到难以呼吸的时候

You don't wanna give nobody the power


That's when it gets in the cut


And that's when it stitches you up

为你缝合伤口 让你忘却伤痛

'Cause it was just you and that was just me

因为以前的我们是陌生人 互不相识

And that was just the way that it used to be

毫无交集 按照各自的轨迹生活

And we were just kids back then tryna figure out what it was

那时 我们只是懵懂无知的孩子 试图弄懂爱情的真谛

No it wasn't that bad but could've been better

幸好还有回旋的余地 我们心怀希冀

If only back then we'd have been together


But it was just you and that was just me


Before we found love

我们是陌生人 互不相识

Now this is us


This is us this is us this is us yeah

这就是我们 厮守一生 永不分离

This is trust this is trust this is trust yeah

这就是信任 这就是信任 这就是信任

This is love this is love this is love yeah

这就是爱 这就是爱 这就是爱

This is love yeah


I'm lucky every other lover got away

上天眷顾 每一位恋人都离我而去

I'm lucky that my heart was always hard to break

我很幸运 我的心坚不可摧 毫发无伤

I'm lucky when you came along I had a chance to take

我很幸运 当你来到我身边 我决定放手一搏

'Cause it was just you and that was just me

因为以前的我们是陌生人 互不相识

And that was just the way that it used to be

毫无交集 按照各自的轨迹生活

And we were just kids back then tryna figure out what it was

那时 我们只是懵懂无知的孩子 试图弄懂爱情的真谛

Oh it wasn't that bad


No it wasn't that bad but could've been better

幸好还有回旋的余地 我们心怀希冀

If only back then we'd have been together


But it was just you and that was just me


Before we found love

我们是陌生人 互不相识

Now this is us


This is us this is us this is us yeah

这就是我们 厮守一生 永不分离

This is trust this is trust this is trust yeah

这就是信任 这就是信任 这就是信任

This is love this is love this is love yeah

这就是爱 这就是爱 这就是爱

Yeah yeah this is love yeah baby

宝贝 这就是爱

This is us this is us this is us yeah

这就是我们 厮守一生 永不分离

Yeah baby


This is trust this is trust this is trust yeah

这就是信任 这就是信任 这就是信任

Oh baby


This is love this is love this is love yeah

这就是爱 这就是爱 这就是爱



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