GRABOTE/鳄鱼也爱笑/A$AP Ferg《Plain Jane ( Alper Karacan Remix )》[FLAC/MP3-320K]百度云盘下载

GRABOTE/鳄鱼也爱笑/A$AP Ferg《Plain Jane ( Alper Karacan Remix )》[FLAC/MP3-320K]百度云盘下载

音频访客2024-07-06 15:06:16706A+A-

Ride with the mob, Alhamdulillah

Check in with me and do your job

Ferg is the name, Ben Baller did the chain

Tourneau for the watch, presi Plain Jane

Yamborghini chain, rest in peace to my superior

Hermès link could feed a village in Liberia

TMZ taking pictures, causin' mad hysteria

Momma see me on BET and started tearin' up

Ride with the mob, Alhamdulillah

Check in with me and do your job

Ferg is the name, Ben Baller did the chain

Tourneau for the watch, presi Plain Jane

Yamborghini chain, rest in peace to my superior

Hermès link could feed a village in Liberia

TMZ taking pictures, causin' mad hysteria

Momma see me on BET and started tearin' up

Ride with the mob, Alhamdulillah

Check in with me and do your job

Ferg is the name, Ben Baller did the chain

Tourneau for the watch, presi Plain Jane

Yamborghini chain, rest in peace to my superior

Hermès link could feed a village in Liberia

TMZ taking pictures, causin' mad hysteria

Momma see me on BET and started tearin' up

I'mma start killin' ******, how you get that trife?

I attended Harlem picnics where you risked your life

Uncle used to skim work, sellin' nicks at night

I was only 8 years old, watching Nick at Nite

Uncle Psycho was in that bathroom buggin'!

Knife to his guts hope Daddy don't cut him

Suicidal thoughts brought to me with no advisory

He was pitchin' dummy, sellin' fiends mad ivory

Grandma had the arthritis in her hands, bad!

She was poppin' pills like rappers in society

I fck yo itch for the irony

I'll send Meechy at yo hoe if yo itch keep eyein' me

Ride with the mob, Alhamdulillah

Check in with me and do your job

Ferg is the name, Ben Baller did the chain

Tourneau for the watch, presi Plain Jane

Ride with the mob, Alhamdulillah

Check in with me and do your job

Ferg is the name, Ben Baller did the chain

Tourneau for the watch, presi Plain Jane

Suck a ***** dck or somethin' (Yeah)

Sck a ***** dck or somethin' (You already know, Harlem)

Sck a ***** dck or somethin' (Queens)

Sck a ***** dck or somethin' (Queens for the Kings of the Queens)

Ayo, I'ma explain why you probably never see me

I push a Lamborghini, chocha magic like Houdini

My body shaped like Jeannie, booty dreamy, waist is teeny

Yes, I told him to get TIDAL so he stream me when he leave me

I go hard in the booth, Biggie vibes, gimme the loot

I’m a classy millionaire, itches ain’t got the couth

C-O-U-T-H 'cause you can’t spell it either

If I call him then he comin' home running, Derek Jeter

itches must be eatin' as because I swear they’re bottom feeders

Hoe, you know that you my son, I shoulda scrapped you as a fetus

All these itches rockin' inches 'cause they followin' the leader

I should switch it up on hoes and rock a Afro like Lupita's

I don’t keep up with the Joneses but I do know Catherine Zeta

I’m with Candice, TT, Thembi, and Viola, mi amiga

Rap itches they gotta check in with the Queen

I’m the Alpha, the Omega, everything in between, uh

Ride with Minaj, mmh Mashallah

Check in with me, then do your job

Queen is the name, Rafaello did the chain

This is Monse, patty Plain Jane

Ride with Minaj, mmh Mashallah

Check in with me, then do your job

Queen is the name, Rafaello did the chain

This is Monse, patty Plain Jane

Et a Barbie as or somethin'

Et a Barbie as or somethin'

Et a Barbie as or somethin'

Et a Barbie as or somethin'

Et a Barbie as or somethin'

Et a Barbie as or somethin'

Et a Barbie as or somethin'

Et a Barbie as or somethin'

Et a Barbie as or somethin'


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