Far East Movement/刘宪华/AlunaGeorge《Nice Things (英文版)》[FLAC/MP3-320K]百度云盘下载

Far East Movement/刘宪华/AlunaGeorge《Nice Things (英文版)》[FLAC/MP3-320K]百度云盘下载

音频访客2024-07-06 15:39:58793A+A-

We're getting too good at saying we're sorry

We're breaking records for breaking up

We're not even close to sick of it are we

We're like the turbulence too much


Don't wanna know what my life looks like without you

Don't wanna know what my life looks like without you


We're laughing at ourselves as we're cleaning up the mess

Dishes on the floor while on the mattress off the bed

We know that we're insane but we'll do it all again

Cuz this is how we love

Taking off our clothes cuz we're ready to forget

Everything that led us to breaking all of this

We know that we're insane but we'll do it all again

Cuz this is how we love

This is why we cant have nice things

Verse 2:

We made a huge scene and ruined the party

Then i stormed out you chased me down

We're not doing this once again are we?

We're losing track but whos keeping count?


Don't wanna know what my life looks like without you

Don't wanna know what my life looks like without you


We're laughing at ourselves as we're cleaning up the mess

Dishes on the floor while on the mattress off the bed

We know that we're insane but we'll do it all again

Cuz this is how we love

Taking off our clothes cuz we're ready to forget

Everything that led us to breaking all of this

We know that we're insane but we'll do it all again

Cuz this is how we love

[02:27.408]This is why we cant have nice things


We're laughing at ourselves as we're cleaning up the mess

Dishes on the floor while on the mattress off the bed

We know that we're insane but we'll do it all again

Cuz this is how we love

Taking off our clothes cuz we're ready to forget

Everything that led us to breaking all of this

We know that we're insane but we'll do it all again

Cuz this is how we love



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