SHAUN/어드밴스드/Julie Bergan《My Bad (KSHMR Edit)》[MP3-320K/8.3M]百度云盘下载

SHAUN/어드밴스드/Julie Bergan《My Bad (KSHMR Edit)》[MP3-320K/8.3M]百度云盘下载

音频访客2024-07-06 17:19:02726A+A-

Do you remember where we used to go that place across the street


The one your best friend used to work at and we always went to eat

你的好朋友曾在那工作 我们还总是去那吃饭

But now I'm sitting here all by myself

此刻 我孤独的坐在这里

While you'll be doing something else


I guess it doesn't taste the same without you

我想 没有你一切都截然不同

Do you remember the first place we got the second week of May


We could barely fit a queen size but we loved it anyway

我们勉强能挤下的双人床 但我们还是很喜欢这样窝着

But the months went by and suddenly our place ran out of space

几个月过去 忽然我们的小小世界就这样被抛却

I ended up pushing you away

最终 我还是将你远远推开

I remember when I called and said I had a num one


For a second I forgot that we broke up and that you're gone

那一刻我竟忘了我们早已分手 而你早已离我而去

But it's just because it's "thanks to you"


Cuz I know you made my dreams come true


You know it doesn't feel the same without you

你清楚没有你的日子 一切不复昨日

My days got even darker I lost track of time and place

我的世界仿佛更加黯淡无光 我早已迷失方向

And I didn't wanna see no one I was everything I hate

我不想再见到任何人 我就是自己最讨厌的那个

I know you made me happy but I couldn't do the same

我知道你让我倍觉幸福 而我却做不到

So I ended up just running away

所以最终 我选择了逃离

Want you to know I still think of you


Everytime I do something I know we used to do and


I just can't help myself can't help missing you cuz

我总是控制不住想起你 因为

I know I am who I am and it's thanks to you

我清楚这就是真实的自己 感谢你

I heard you're doing what you want

我听说你也如愿以偿 做着自己喜欢的事

And that you're better now


And I'm glad that I'm not there so I can't drag you down


But the one thing that will never change


Is the smile you're putting on my face


Cuz the memories will never fade

因为爱已不再 回忆永恒


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