William Black《Deep Blue (feat. Monika Santucci)》[FLAC/MP3-320K]百度云盘下载

William Black《Deep Blue (feat. Monika Santucci)》[FLAC/MP3-320K]百度云盘下载

音频访客2024-07-10 14:06:40651A+A-

There were times we would drive 'til the sun broke

曾经我们驾车出游 直至太阳在地平线处沉没

Through the black of the night on a wide road

漆黑夜色中 在宽阔道路上缓缓驶向远方

Paved in dreams that led me back to you


Lit a spark in the dark gave me no choice

你仿佛黑暗中一星闪耀的火花 令我毫不犹豫

In the night you're a light in the white noise

无边夜色里 你是被蒸汽波晕染的迷人光芒

Suddenly, my heart said something new

霎时间 心上掠过一丝崭新的想法

In your eyes, I swear I feel forever

在你双眼中 我发誓我感受到了永恒

And I'm falling into the deepest part of you


In your eyes, I feel my heart surrender

每当我凝视你双眼 我内心便被征服

As your love breaks through

你的爱意扩张着 将我瓦解

I'm Lost inside your deep blue

我游走于 你的深邃之蓝

Inside your deep blue

我迷离于 你的深邃之蓝

Passing clouds skipping stars when I got you

我与你相逢时 云层穿行于跳跃星辰间

In your arms cover stars like a tattoo

你的臂弯中 星星成了奇妙的文身图案

Rescue me and put back all the pieces

你将我从过去拯救 重组我思想的碎片

How did I miss the times that you come through


When every glance was a chance I was blind to

那时我放过了象征绝佳机会的 你的每一瞥

Now I see you're everything I needed

现在我意识到 你就是我所需的一切

In your eyes, I swear I feel forever

在你双眼中 我发誓我感受到了永恒

And I'm falling into the deepest part of you


In your eyes, I feel my heart surrender

每当我凝视你双眼 我内心便被征服

As your love breaks through

你的爱意扩张着 将我瓦解

I'm Lost inside your deep blue

我游走于 你的深邃之蓝

I'm Lost inside your deep blue

我迷离于 你的深邃之蓝

Inside your deep blue

我沉醉于 你的深邃之蓝



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