Marshmello/Southside/...《Been Thru This Before》[FLAC/MP3-320K]百度云盘下载

Marshmello/Southside/...《Been Thru This Before》[FLAC/MP3-320K]百度云盘下载

音频访客2024-07-10 13:13:54631A+A-

Marshmello/Southside/Giggs/SAINt JHN




Roast these niggas up,ghost these problems

Mostly toolied up goons, ghost, and goblins

Now,it’s mostly boujie stuff boasty problems

I know she says she was but no she wasn’t

Yeah, posted hoodied up yeah, Dolce bottoms

Yeah, she looking sweet but lowkey rotten

Yeah, soldiers uzi’d up best know we got them

Yeah, only dudes in touch but lowkey Gotham

He’s in the back, he got the massive glock

Yeah, he’s on the left-side squeezing the macintosh

Hollow mans back, u know that i’m back on top

And everyone eats, and that’s when the rations stop

You sat on da fence , you gettin me tense

Now go get my money, my 20 percent

Big movies over there, best know we shot them

Yeah only dudes in touch.. Plus.....

Saint Jhn:


Nigga we, we been thru all of this before

Cocaine in and drawer

Pistol by the pocket baby ready for the war

Coming from the bottom scratching pockets know we poor

Ten years later same shit just more mature

We been thru all of this before duckin for the war

Hoping that forever come, there’s no end to this the life

But the only life that we saw, pistols in the drawer

Cocaine in the corner pocket hoping that you know we been thru all this before


I do not **** with nobody

I do not have me no friends

I got a gofund me and venmo so if i love you depends

I got a brother that shoots

I am just wiping the prints

I did the math and graph and givin you half aint makin no sense

Im still real and im still screaming brook brook-lyn

Grace savin that good boy

Dope game in my cold-vein sold cocaine in my cookbook

Darkskin and my snowhite, I think its a good look

Picked up where you left off and I gave back what the good took

So call it a nom, next year I’m taking a grammy

Usually, Shaniqua exclusive tonight I’m just thinking about taking an Annie

And they just know I’m the kid, so I’m just taking a nanny

Niggas will back out they pack I’m relaxed out the sack like I’m taking a xanny

Mans on a crusade ting

Niggas will aim at your head and they come for your top on a toupe ting

Bitches will play with your heart just to bobble cause they on a 2k ting

I tell a bad bitch to kick it and push it and skate on a Lupe ting

If it is black and I’m black and I’m black then I’m back on a d’ussee ting

Saint Jhn:


Nigga we, we been thru all of this before

Cocaine in and drawer

Pistol by the pocket baby ready for the war

Coming from the bottom scratching pockets know we poor

Ten years later same shit just more mature

We been thru all of this before duckin for the war

Hoping that forever come, there’s no end to this the life

But the only life that we saw, pistols in the drawer

Cocaine in the corner pocket hoping that you know we been thru all this before


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