

视频访客2024-07-09 15:16:47272A+A-
导演: PARK Hanjin 编剧: Myungjin KIM 主演: Jiyeon PARK / Young CHE / Dongseok KIM 制片国家/地区: 韩国 语言: 韩语 上映日期: 2019-10-06(釜山电影节) 片长: 71分钟 又名: RUBY IMDb链接: tt9690280   剧情简介: Seo-yeon是一部名为“今日科学”的电视节目的导演,由于收视率低,该节目即将被取消。在为她的节目选派了一名魔术师之后,她开始与编剧、助理导演和老板产生冲突,他们对节目都有不同的看法。一个事件发生在魔术师的鸽子消失,最终,节目被取消。Seo-yeon开始根据她在工作室工作的经历写一个故事。她的幻想故事在舞台上展开,与她的日常生活纠缠在一起。当舞台上的幻想与电视演播室的现实相交时,界限变得模糊,揭示了每个人内心深处的想法。 Seo-yeon is a director of a TV show, "Today's Science," which is on the verge of getting canceled due to low ratings. After casting a magician for her show, she starts to develop conflicts with the writer, assistant director, and her boss, whom all have different visions for the program. An incident happens where the magician's dove disappears, and eventually, the program gets canceled. Seo-yeon starts to write a story based on her own experience working at the studio. Her fantastical story unravels on a stage, tangled with her daily life. As the fantasy on the stage intersects with the realities of the TV studio, the boundaries get blurred, revealing everyone's innermost thoughts.   今日科学项目.2019.HD720P.韩语中字.mkv(2.59GB 资源:UC网盘 普通用户也不限速哦~资源:百度网盘 提取码:s2hg
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