

视频访客2024-07-09 14:34:27221A+A-
导演: 邹凯光 编剧: 邹凯光 资源类型:超级无敌追女仔百度云网盘 主演: 陈百祥 / 陶大宇 / 徐若瑄 / 舒淇 / 林晓峰 / 葛民辉 / 刘晓彤 / 赵静仪 / 骆达华 / 麦家琪 / 张慧仪 / 陈彦行 / 兰茜 / 曹永康 / 罗家英 / 李力持 类型: 喜剧 / 爱情 / 运动 制片国家/地区: 中国香港 语言: 粤语 上映日期: 1997-06-27(中国香港) 片长: 96分钟 又名: L - O - V - E ..... LOVE IMDb链接: tt0168032   剧情简介: 地产富豪之子马超仁(陶大宇)不想依附豪门,到寿司店当学徒。仁遇上情场杀手高级(陈百祥)、狄立(林晓峰)及毛仔(葛民辉),看中了竞选特区小姐的阿菲、Money、苏娜与Fancy,而一班公子哥儿亦对四美起心。四人为夺美人归,使出混身解数,一场追女大战由此展开…… Four men (including a millionaire businessman trying to escape from the stress of his work) running a struggling sushi restaurant in Hong Kong follow a group of beauty-contest entrants to Thailand in the hopes of winning their hearts. The four misfits must convince the beauties of their worth as dates while fending off a gang of tough rivals. Will they succeed, or will they return home alone and broken-hearted?   超级无敌追女仔.Chiao.ji.wu.di.zhui.nu.zi.1997.HD1080P.国粤双语.中字.mp4(2.27GB 资源:百度网盘 提取码:1234 资源:UC网盘 普通用户也不限速哦~
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