Gabriela Bee《Feelin' Alright》[FLAC/MP3-320K]百度云盘下载

Gabriela Bee《Feelin' Alright》[FLAC/MP3-320K]百度云盘下载

音频访客2024-07-10 6:53:52616A+A-

I've been floating

Above B. S

Living life more queen

Than princess

I've been jammin'

And stressing less

Ain't no priestess

But I'm blessed

And if my fears

Try to fight my rise

I'll be standing there

Cool as cool as ice

My mama said go be yourself

Papa told me that the story's yours to tell

I'm feelin' all

Feelin' alright

I'm going out with my beanie on

Headphones on

Favorite song tonight

I sing it loud

'Cause I'm feelin' alright

I'm feelin' all

Feelin' all

I'm feelin' all


I'm feelin' all

Feelin' all

Yeah I'm feelin' all right

Don't need no diamonds

Don't need those things

Got the homies in the back

That's my

And if you wanna roll

With fire in your soul

Climb out your window

Take my hand

And away we'll go

When you're feeling down

With no end in sight

I know you're standing there

Cool as cool as ice

'Cause mama said go be yourself

Papa told ya that the story's yours to tell

I'm feelin' all

Feelin' alright

I'm going out with my beanie on

Headphones on

Favorite song tonight

I sing it loud

'Cause I'm feelin' alright

I'm feelin' all

Feelin' all

I'm feelin' all


I'm feelin' all

Feelin' all

Yeah I'm feelin' all right

When you're feeling down

With no end in sight

I know you're standing there

Cool as cool as ice

'Cause mama said go be yourself

Papa told ya that the story's yours to tell

I'm feelin' all

Feelin' alright


Walkin' so tall that it's criminal

Feeling invincible



I sing it loud 'cause

I'm feeling alright


I'm feelin' all

Feelin' all

I'm feelin' all


I'm feelin' all

Feelin' all

I sing it loud 'cause I'm feelin' all


I hope you're ready for it

Feelin' all

Feelin' all

I hope you're ready for it

Yeah I'm feelin' alright


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  • 6条评论
  • noah2024-06-21 09:40:12
  • 感谢谢谢
  • needyou2024-06-23 01:50:49
  • 不错不错感谢

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