Maisie Peters/Jp Saxe《Maybe Don't》[MP3-320K/6.7M]百度云盘下载

Maisie Peters/Jp Saxe《Maybe Don't》[MP3-320K/6.7M]百度云盘下载

音频访客2024-08-07 19:47:43605A+A-

I should hang up the phone, you said, "Maybe don't"

很想挂电话 你让我等等

And I think I should go, you said, "Maybe don't"

想过离开 你却一再挽留

'Cause I run from the things that I want the most


You said, "I get that's what you do but"


We should never speak again


Because I like you, and lately it's been only getting worse

我爱你 渐而情深

So we should never speak again, because I want you

别再同我交谈 我会失控的

I've run through every outcome and in every one I'm hurt

挺过尽数苦难 倍受折磨

Oh, I hate surprises, but you surprise me

从不期待惊喜 但你极为特别

I should hang up the phone, you said, "Maybe don't"

很想挂电话 你让我等等

And I think I should go, you said, "Maybe don't"

想过离开 你却一再挽留

'Cause I run from the things that I want the most


You said, "I get that's what you do but maybe don't"

你说你理解我 但我难以信服

I'm not saying I'm wrong, but you're maybe right

我不反对 或许的确如此

I don't know how to fall asleep unless you say goodnight

夜难以寐 只求你一句晚安

Said I run from the things that I want the most

好吧 我总是心口不一

You said, "I get that's what you do but maybe don't"

你说你明白我的欲求 但我还是半信半疑

I'm hoping I could get a word with your expectations


'Cause they don't seem to be based on you and me


You been making group decisions about us without us


Tell me what I'm gonna say and let me edit


I think it could be different if you let it

假若你肯如此 一切都会截然不同

I should hang up the phone, you said, "Maybe don't"

很想挂电话 你让我等等

And I think I should go, you said, "Maybe don't"

想过离开 你却一再挽留

'Cause I run from the things that I want the most


You said, "I get that's what you do but maybe don't"


I'm not saying I'm wrong, but you're maybe right

我不反对 或许的确如此

I don't know how to fall asleep unless you say goodnight

夜难以寐 只求你一句晚安

Yeah, I run from the things that I want the most

好吧 我总是心口不一

You said, "I get that's what you do but maybe don't"


Maybe don't, maybe don't

Yeah, I run from the things that I want the most


And I get that's what you do but


This is just a head's up


I miss people's heads up


Only 'cause I'm scared of losing mine


If you could be less honest


Tick a couple less boxes


I could sabotage this and still be justified

我不搭理的话 还更自在

I should hang up the phone, you said, "Maybe don't"

很想挂电话 你让我等等

I should always be alone, you said, "Maybe don't"

想过离开 你却一再挽留

'Cause I run from the things that I want the most


I said, "I guess it's what I do but the more I think it through..."

或许我就是这样 对此越发接受

I'm not saying I'm wrong, but you're maybe right

我不反对 或许的确如此

And I'm running out of reasons to push you aside


Yeah, I run from the things that I want the most

好吧 我总是心口不一

You said, "I get that's what you do but maybe don't"

你说你明白我的欲求 但我还是半信半疑


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