塞壬唱片-MSR/Gabe Reali《Hold Onto The Light》[FLAC/MP3-320K]百度云盘下载

塞壬唱片-MSR/Gabe Reali《Hold Onto The Light》[FLAC/MP3-320K]百度云盘下载

音频访客2024-08-08 13:44:12673A+A-

Play it cool, let it flow if you don’t wanna know

Playing it cool, let it roll, let it go, let it go

Got Thorns out on the front line

And Zima got us on the back line

Play it cool, let it flow, let it flow, let it flow


Only Rhodes I know move forward

Run toward

The monsters in my corner


Worse than paranoia

I won’t let you down, I won’t let you down down down

Long nights

They don’t pick sides

They don’t pick sides


We don’t need light

We don’t need light

Real time

Hold onto your light

Hold onto your light

So come on let’s ride

We don’t need light

We don’t need light

Hear the waves

Hear them crashing on the beach now

It’s getting real, getting real, even as we wait now

And if it wasn’t for Amiya I’d be face down

Yeah, I’d be face down, uh

Medicine for you

When you feel weak

Mysterious soil,

And they all coming back to me

Got no energy to waste

I’m reaching out worlds away

Sharpening up all your blades

Surtr will do the same

Only Rhodes I know move forward

Run toward

The monsters in my corner


Worse than paranoia

I won’t let you down, I won’t let you down down down

Long nights

They don’t pick sides

They don’t pick sides


We don’t need light

We don’t need light

Real time

Hold onto your light

Hold onto your light

So come on let’s ride

We don’t need light

We don’t need light

Stealing the show

Stealing the show

Stealing the show, nah nah

We are the most

We are the most

We are the most, yeah yeah

Stuck on the coast

Out in the cold

We’re not alone, nah nah

We’re not alone, nah nah

We’re not alone, nah nah

Long nights

They don’t pick sides

They don’t pick sides, yeah


We don’t need light

We don’t need light

Real time

Hold onto your light

Hold onto your light

So come on let’s ride

We don’t need light

We don’t need light

Long nights

They don’t pick sides

They don’t pick sides, yeah


We don’t need light

We don’t need light

Real time

Hold onto your light

Hold onto your light

So come on let’s ride

We don’t need light

We don’t need light



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