Tim McMorris《Live and Be Free》[FLAC/MP3-320K]百度云盘下载

Tim McMorris《Live and Be Free》[FLAC/MP3-320K]百度云盘下载

音频访客2024-08-08 17:04:36582A+A-

Life is good it is good to me

生活很美好 于我而言

And it was meant for you to live and be free


To live and be free


Walk the path take some time to laugh

人生的路上 别忘了留一些时间开怀大笑

And maybe it's been a while but even try to smile even try to smile

也许这一刻很短暂 但仍要努力微笑 努力微笑

Cause today is only here and then it's tomorrow


There's no point living a life that full of regret and drowning in sorrow

生活在悔恨和悲伤里 没有任何意义

Lift your head up high and open your eyes

昂首向前 睁大双眼

You can choose to be happy if you try you might be surprised

只要努力 你也可以选择快乐地生活 生活会给你意想不到的惊喜

Choices that you have made can be revised


Have no fear for the time you're here


And if you don't know where to start then follow your heart

如果不知道如何开始 那就听从内心的想法吧

Follow your heart


And run run fast learn from

奔跑向前 极速向前

Things things that have passed


And know that everything's OK


Just make that choice today make your choice today

今天就做出选择吧 此刻就做出选择吧

Cause today is only here and then it's tomorrow


There's no point living a life that full of regret and drowning in sorrow

生活在悔恨和悲伤里 没有任何意义

Lift your head up high and open your eyes

昂首向前 睁大双眼

You can choose to be happy if you try you might be surprised

只要努力 你也可以选择快乐地生活 生活会给你意想不到的惊喜

Choices that you have made can be revised


Today is only here and then it's tomorrow


There's no point living a life that full of regret and drowning in sorrow

生活在悔恨和悲伤里 没有任何意义

Lift your head up high and open your eyes

昂首向前 睁大双眼

You can choose to be happy if you try you might be surprised

只要努力 你也可以选择快乐地生活 生活会给你意想不到的惊喜

Choices that you have made can be revised




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