

音频访客2024-08-08 16:38:42604A+A-

When I was a young boy living in the city


All I did was run run run run run


Staring at the lights they look so pretty

凝视那璀璨灯火 是那样流光溢彩

Momma said "son son son son son

老妈总是唠叨我“儿啊 儿啊 儿啊”

You're gonna grow up you're gonna get old

韶光易逝 终有一天你要学着长大

All that glitters don't turn to gold

俗语都说 发光的并非都是金子

But until then just have your fun

除非你能寻得一方天地 自得其乐

Boy run run run run run"

孩子 冲吧 冲吧 冲吧

Yeah run run run

是啊 勇往直前冲吧

Run run run


When I was a young kid living in the city


All I did was pay pay pay pay pay


And every single dime that good Lord gave me


I could make it last three four five days

我将其视为生命的最后几天 好好珍惜

Living it up but living down low

精彩过活 却不狂妄

Chasing that luck before I get old


And looking back oh we had some fun

至少回首往昔 也不枉这半生执着

Boy run run run run run

孩子 勇往直前冲吧 冲吧

They tell you that the sky might fall


They'll say that you might lose it all


So I run until I hit that wall

就让我固执向前吧 哪怕头撞南墙也决不回头

Yeah I learned my lesson count my blessings

是啊 我已汲取教训 细数上天给我的恩赐

Look to the rising sun and run run run

眺望那旭日朝阳 就勇往直前冲吧

Yeah one day well the sky might fall

或许终有一天 世界会天崩地裂

Yeah one day I could lose it all

或许终有一天 我痛失所有

So I run until I hit that wall

就让我固执向前吧 哪怕头撞南墙也决不回头

If I learned one lesson count your blessings

若说我幡然醒悟 就细数你已拥有的美好吧

Look to the rising sun and run run run

眺望那旭日朝阳 就勇往直前冲吧

Run run run


Didn't get everything that I wanted

我并非万事顺意 诸梦成真

But I got what I need yeah yeah


I see that light in the morning


Shining down on me


So take me up high take me down low

就带我肆意高飞 徜徉低翔吧

Where it all ends nobody knows


But until then let's have some fun yeah

就在那之前 让我们尽情放肆吧

Run run run run run

勇往直前冲吧 一往直前冲吧 冲吧

They tell you that the sky might fall


They'll say that you might lose it all


So I run until I hit that wall

就让我固执向前吧 哪怕头撞南墙也决不回头

Yeah I learned my lesson count my blessings

是啊 我已汲取教训 细数上天给我的恩赐

Look to the rising sun and run run run

眺望那旭日朝阳 就勇往直前冲吧

Yeah one day well the sky might fall

或许终有一天 世界会天崩地裂

Yeah one day I could lose it all

或许终有一天 我痛失所有

So I run until I hit that wall

就让我固执向前吧 哪怕头撞南墙也决不回头

If I learned one lesson count your blessings

若说我幡然醒悟 就细数你已拥有的美好吧

Look to the rising sun and run run run

眺望那旭日朝阳 就勇往直前冲吧

Run run run


Yeah run run run

是啊 勇往直前冲吧

Yeah I learned my lesson count my blessings

是啊 我已汲取教训 细数上天给我的恩赐

Look to the rising sun


Yeah I learned my lesson count my blessings

是啊 我已汲取教训 细数上天给我的恩赐

Look to the rising sun


Yeah if I learned one lesson count your blessings

若说我幡然醒悟 就细数你已拥有的美好吧

Look to the rising sun yeah run run run

凝视那冉冉升起的朝阳 是啊 勇往直前冲吧


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