Flo Rida《Dancer》[FLAC/MP3-320K]百度云盘下载

Flo Rida《Dancer》[FLAC/MP3-320K]百度云盘下载

音频访客2024-08-20 17:19:11631A+A-

Baby girl used ride on the metro

这个宝贝女孩 常常坐地铁

Had a dream of diamonds and stilettos

但她心怀一个穿着高跟鞋 无比闪耀的梦想

First class in Miami from the West Coast


Never wanted to be homecoming queen


Not just another girl in the strip club


Working hard not a dollar's gonna miss her

她努力工作 否则一美元都没有

Big big bags I'm gonna tip her

取出钱包 我要给她小费

Making sure she's gonna come home with me


One money two honey

豪掷千金 得以芳心

How much can I throw


And for her I can't say no

对她 我已无法抗拒

I won't let go


I fell in love with a dancer dancer

我爱上这位跳舞女郎 跳舞女郎

Throwing all this cake ooh


It's your birthday girl I like that there

今天是你的生日 女孩 我喜欢这种感觉

I'm in love I'm in love I'm in love with a dancer dancer

我爱上 爱上爱上一位跳舞女郎 跳舞女郎

In the champagne room until the sun comes up oh my god

在房间开香槟庆祝 直到朝阳初升 上帝啊

I'm in love I'm in love I'm in love with a

我爱上 爱上 爱上一位

It's 3AM and we're only getting started

现在是凌晨三点 但我们之间的故事才刚刚开始

In the cab on the way to your apartment


Tonight you made the killing cause you're gorgeous

今晚的你 美得令人窒息 你的美璀璨夺目

Yeah we're gonna have a hell of a time

是的 让我们共享此刻

Blew hunneds everywhere like a cartoon


Ooh baby I can't take my eyes off you

宝贝 我无法将视线从你身上移开

Give it to me like yo mamma never taught you

把你的一切都献给我吧 忽略你妈妈的教诲

I'll make it rain for the rest of your life


One money two honey

豪掷千金 得以芳心

How much can I throw


And for her I can't say no

对她 我已无法抗拒

Oh I won't let go


I fell in love with a dancer dancer

我爱上这位跳舞女郎 跳舞女郎

Throwing all this cake ooh


It's your birthday girl I like that there

今天是你的生日 女孩 我喜欢这种感觉

I'm in love I'm in love I'm in love with a dancer dancer

我爱上 爱上爱上一位跳舞女郎 跳舞女郎

In the champagne room until the sun comes up oh my god

在房间开香槟庆祝 直到朝阳初升 上帝啊

I'm in love I'm in love I'm in love with a

我爱上 爱上 爱上一位

Nothing gets me going like when she put on a show

当她演出时 我绝不会离去

Ain't ashamed to say it I'll let everybody know

我不会羞于启齿 我要让所有人知道我的爱有多么热烈

You don't have to say no words you let your body speak

你沉默不语 但你的舞步早已将你的心声倾诉

Baby I don't care no I don't care

宝贝 我不介意 我不介意

I fell in love with a dancer dancer

我爱上这位跳舞女郎 跳舞女郎

Throwing all this cake ooh


It's your birthday girl I like that there

今天是你的生日 女孩 我喜欢这种感觉

I'm in love I'm in love I'm in love with a dancer dancer

我爱上 爱上爱上一位跳舞女郎 跳舞女郎

In the champagne room until the sun comes up oh my god

在房间开香槟庆祝 直到朝阳初升 上帝啊

I'm in love I'm in love I'm in love with a dancer dancer

我爱上 爱上爱上一位跳舞女郎 跳舞女郎

Throwing all this cake ooh


It's your birthday girl I like that there

今天是你的生日 女孩 我喜欢这种感觉

I'm in love I'm in love I'm in love with a dancer dancer

我爱上 爱上爱上一位跳舞女郎 跳舞女郎

In the champagne room until the sun comes up oh my god

在房间开香槟庆祝 直到朝阳初升 上帝啊

I'm in love I'm in love I'm in love with a

我爱上 爱上 爱上一位



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