Popp Hunna/Lil Uzi Vert《Adderall (Corvette Corvette) (Remix)》[FLAC/MP3-320K]百度云盘下载

Popp Hunna/Lil Uzi Vert《Adderall (Corvette Corvette) (Remix)》[FLAC/MP3-320K]百度云盘下载

音频访客2024-08-20 17:00:05721A+A-

Corvette Corvette

Hop in a like jet

Hey 'lil P look at me right now

They was like Popp why you all like that

Why you talk like that why you walk like that

Uh I'm off a Addy I'm up

Popp don't got no time to relax time to relax

I turn a two to a four

And I turn a five to a stack five to a stack

I was just down in the bottom

Talking the back of the back

I got this out the mud but they

Don't wanna talk about that keep it a stack

Know that we exing you out if you

Be moving too false and that's a fact

Keep talking 'bout looking for me

But them capping they know where I'm at

If I ain't on Norris then I'm on the eleven

To worth to be exact

If I ain't on Norris then I'm on the eleven

To worth to be exact

All the opps for real yeah I'm dissing you

I drop a bag on your head

Just to get rid of you

Uh I ain't ducking no action you gon' get rid of who

Me and Tay sliding on and we got missiles too

I'm off a Addy I'm up

Popp don't got no time to relax time to relax

I turn a two to a four

And I turn a five to a stack five to a stack

I was just down in the bottom

Talking the back of the back

I got this out the mud

But they don't wanna talk about that

I got this out the dirt

But they don't wanna talk about this

Uh was sending them threats

Now they all resting in piss resting in

Them I made

But they just won't admit it ungrateful as

Youth back to da

Even if gon' slide

Uh you gon' get hit

I took a sip of that lean

That had me tripping but I wasn't dipping

Tears running down my face 'cause I

Seen all my wish it was different

I this named C C

She tried to say I A are not listen

Was trash for real

Sometimes I wish I never did hit it

I'm off a Addy I'm up

Popp don't got no time to relax

I turn a two to a four

And I turn a five to a stack five to a stack

I was just down in the bottom

Talking the back of the back

I got this out the mud

But they don't wanna talk about that

I'm off a Addy I'm up

I don't got no time to relax time to relax

I turn a two to a four

And I turn a five to a stack five to a stack

I was just down in the bottom

Talking the back of the back

I got this out the mud

But they don't wanna talk about that



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