LL Cool J《Mama Said Knock You Out》[FLAC/MP3-320K]百度云盘下载

LL Cool J《Mama Said Knock You Out》[FLAC/MP3-320K]百度云盘下载

音频访客2024-09-03 8:57:37432A+A-

Ll cool j

Mama said knock you out

C'mon man

And with the local dbt news ll cool j with a triumphant comeback

But tonite   

Don't call it a comeback

I been here for years

Rockin my peers and puttin suckas in fear

Makin the tears rain down like a mon soon

Listen to the bass go boom

Explosion overpowerin

Over the competition I'm towerin

Wreckin shop when I drop these lyrics that'll make you call the cops

Don't you dare stare' you betta move

Don't ever compare

Me to the rest that'll all get sliced and diced

Competition's payin the price

I'm gonna knock you out

Mama said knock you out

(repeat 4x)

Don't u call this a regular jam

I'm gonna rock this land

I'm gonna take this itty bitty world by storm

And I'm just gettin warm

Just like muhummad ali they called him cassius

Watch me bash this beat like a skull

'Cause u know I had beef wit

Why do u riff with me' the maniac psycho

And when I pull out my jammy get ready 'cause it might go

Blaaaaw' how ya like me now 

The river will not allow

U to get with' mr  smith' don't riff

Listen to my gear shift

I'm blastin' outlastin

Kinda like shaft' so u could say I'm shaftin

Old english filled my mind

And I came up with a funky rhyme


Shadow boxin when I heard you on the radio

I just don't know

What made you forget that I was raw 

But now I got a new tour

I'm goin insane' startin the hurricane' releasin pain

Lettin you know that you can't gain' I maintain

Unless ya say my name

Rippin' killin

Diggin and drillin a hole

Pass the ol' gold

Shotgun blasts are heard

When I rip and kill' at will

The man of the hour' tower of power' I'll devour

I'm gonna tie you up and let you understand

That I'm not your average man

When I got a jammy in my hand

Daaaaam      oooooohh  

Listen to the way I slaaaaay' your crew

Damage  damage damage  damage

Destruction' terror' and mayhem

Pass me a sissy so suckas I'll slay him

Farmers  farmers

I'm ready

I think I'm gonna bomb a town

Don't u neva' eva' pull my lever

'Cause I explode

And my nine is easy to load

I gotta thank god

'Cause he gave me the strength to rock

Hard   knock you out' mama said knock you out



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