

音频访客2024-09-02 15:02:51504A+A-

Oh Girl


Helpless and afraid


Standing all alone as you went away

(独自一个人站着 看着你离开)

Raindrops on my face


Blurring my illusion of the choices I could make


Hard enough to put myself together


Oh Girl


Don't you be afraid


I said to myself, as I looked away

(转过头去的时候 我对自己说)

Raindrops on my face


Washing off my silly little wish to hide away


I am strong enough to make it through the rain

(我能撑住 撑过这场雨)

When I close my eyes


Everything will be alright


Everything you said I'll keep in mind

(一切你说过的 我谨记心中)

The rain will stop; the sun will shine

(雨会过去 天会放晴)

If you're by my side


Everything will be alright


Thinking of your tender lullabies

(一首你哼的旋律 犹在我耳边)

You've built an inner sanctuary I can hide


You are the secret sanctuary I live by

(你就在那里 悄悄地保护我)

When I close my eyes


Everything will be alright


Everything you said I'll keep in mind

(一切你说过的 我谨记心中)

I'm waiting for the morning light

(天会放晴 我等得到)

You, still by my side


Everything will be alright


Thinking of your tender lullabies

(一首你哼的旋律 犹在我耳边)

You've built an inner sanctuary I can hide


You are the secret sanctuary I live by

(你就在那里 悄悄地保护我)

You are my secret sanctuary tonight

(在这样的夜晚 你还在那里 静静地保护我)



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  • 4条评论
  • smoke烟2024-06-05 09:33:09
  • 感谢谢谢

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