

音频访客2024-09-10 22:48:26475A+A-

I can hear the sound of a heartbeat before it goes out


Won't ever leave my memory of bloodshed all around


I can see a tear on my father's face before it falls out


Oh my enemy how could I have ever let you down oh

与我为敌的人啊 我怎能让你们忘记我的归期

When all these trees saw us grow cut our teeth and make our bones right here

大树荫荫 看着我们成长 懂事 慢慢变得坚强

We'd play with shields made of stone share our dreams and sit our thrones

举石为盾 分享彼此梦想 心事 当孩提时的王

Be still 'cause I see smoke up ahead and I got steel in my hands

看 前方的硝烟 我手中的剑

We will return like warriors I swear that we'll find glory up ahead

战士般归来 誓要开启荣耀的明天

Tell me where is my home


I don't recognize the faces anymore no


Where is my friend


The one I've known since I was only just a kid


I think it's time to say goodbye

该是时候 我要出发

Goodbye Goodbye

再会了 再会吧

Goodbye Goodbye woh

再会了 再会吧

It's time to say Goodbye

该是时候 我要出发

Goodbye Goodbye

再会了 再会吧

Goodbye Goodbye woh

再会了 再会吧

It's time to say goodbye

该是时候 我要出发

Goodbye Goodbye

再会了 再会吧

Goodbye Goodbye woh

再会了 再会吧

It's time to say Goodbye

该是时候 我要出发

Goodbye Goodbye

再会了 再会吧

Goodbye Goodbye woh

再会了 再会吧

Is it time to say goodbye

该是时候 我要出发

Goodbye Goodbye

再会了 再会吧

Goodbye Goodbye woh

再会了 再会吧

It's time to say Goodbye

该是时候 我要出发

Goodbye Goodbye

再会了 再会吧

Goodbye Goodbye woh

再会了 再会吧

It's time to say goodbye

该是时候 我要出发

Goodbye Goodbye

再会了 再会吧

Goodbye Goodbye woh

再会了 再会吧

It's time to say Goodbye

该是时候 我要出发

Goodbye Goodbye

再会了 再会吧

Goodbye Goodbye woh

再会了 再会吧



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